b'Reading Comprehension PhonicsReading Comprehension:Teachers Resource Book Daily PhonicsPaired Text Print E-book Build reading confidence with daily phonics exercises.Teach students to connect $24.99$24.99Grades 13,46+36 weeks10- to 15-minute lessonsand compare texts!Grade EMC Grade EMCWeekly units provide explicit, systematic phonics instruction and Grades 16Practicing reading1 3291 1 3291i scaffolded practice.comprehension skills and strategies with2 3292 2 3292iThe paced practice helps young students, English learners, paired texts provides students with3 3293 3 3293iand struggling readers gain the phonemic awareness, Name__________________________________________________________ Day 3 5Week opportunities for the deep inquiry and4 3294 4 3294idecoding, and word-study skills Day 2 5 Listen for ItWeek analysis experiences they need to5 3295 5 3295inecessary to become confident, proficient readers. The letter u is a vowel. It has the /u/ sound youFocus hear in cup. This is called the short u sound.succeed academically! 6 3296 6 3296i 208 reproducible pages.Correlated to current standards. short u cupSay the picture name. hort u. t u.Fill in the circle next to yes if you hear the sound of s horFill in the circle next to no if you do not hear the sound of s3Teachers Edition Student Book 21"This is my 3rd quarter go-to series to help my students yes noyes no 6yes noPrint E-book 5-Pack Individual5176 reproducible pages. prepare for our state testing. The content is excellent and the4teacher\'s guide is an excellent source of information." $29.99 $29.99 $34.99 $8.99yes noyes no 9yes no87Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMCSusan, Second Grade Teacher s yes noyes no yeno1 2787 1 2787i 1 6781 1 6771Dictation2 2788 2 2788i 2 6782 2 6772 1. 2. 3.31Skill: Listening for short u Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 2788Daily Phonics 3 2789 3 2789i 3 6783 3 67732788Book.indb 31 12/21/23 12:40 PMReading Comprehension: Teachers Resource Book 46+ 2790 46+ 2790i 46+46+ FictionPrint E-bookEngage students with interesting$23.99$23.99Basic Phonics Skillsfiction stories and activities.Boost early literacy withTeachers Resource BookGrades 16With plenty of leveled fictionGrade EMC Grade EMC phonics essentials. Print E-booktexts and comprehension activities, this1 2441 1 2441iresource helps to improve students2 2442 2 2442i Grades PreK3A comprehensive$29.99$29.99 comprehension skills. The robust units3 2443 3 2443i resource for reproducible phonicsGrade Level EMC Grade Level EMCinclude a variety of fiction genres, reading4 2444 4 2444i practice! Each level of BasicPreKK A 3318 PreKK A 3318iselections and dictionaries, oral discussions,5 2445 5 2445i Phonics Skills provides you with K1 B 3319 K1 B 3319icomprehension activities, literary analysis6 2446 6 2446i 20 phonics minibooks and over 12 C 3320 12 C 3320iactivities, and writing prompt activities. 200 activity pages.23 D 3321 23 D 3321i288 reproducible pages.Correlated to current standards.144 reproducible pages.Reading Comprehension:Teachers Resource Book Smart Start: Phonics & Spelling AWARDWinningNonfiction Print E-book Build strong phonics and spelling skillsExplore real-world topics and boost$23.99$23.99through fun activities! What Do You Hear? comprehension!Grade EMC Grade EMC Grades PreK1Strong literacyActivity BookSkills: Discriminate beginning sounds; Identify consonant blendsGrades 16Build strong reading1 3261 1 3261i foundations are an essential part The letters sn and fl are called consonant blends. comprehension skills with leveled nonfiction2 3262 2 3262i of your childs academic success!Print You hear both letter sounds in a consonant blend. texts and comprehension activities!Stories and colorful pictures make$10.99sn fl f lowersnap3 3263 3 3263i learning phonics and spelling skillsGRADE EMC Say the picture name. Listen for the beginning sounds.This collection of nonfiction texts provides4 3264 4 3264i Fill in the circle to show which consonant blend you hear. interesting and engaging lessons and5 3265 5 3265i meaningful and help children makePreK 2430activities for students to study text structures6 3266 6 3266i connections to things theyK 2431 sn fl sn flsn flsuch as question and answer, cause andalready know.1 2432effect, time order, main idea and details, and128 full-color pages. Includes fl sn fl sn flcompare and contrast. Audio sn128 reproducible pages. ReadAlouds row 1: snake, flute, flame; row 2: snail, snowman, flag Smart Start: Phonics and SpellingEMC 2432 Evan-Moor Corporation283/6/23 9:38 AM2432.indb 288 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x129'