b'Science ScienceDaily Science AGESA AGES AvailableSpring2025GES\x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1245Based on national standards for life, earth, and physical sciences. 45 Igniting Young Minds Workbook Animals: Amazing Earth Grades 1630 weeks10- to 15-minute lessons Animals AdventuresandActivities Activity BookWhy do camels have humps? How far up does the sky reach? Where doAmazing Earth Adventures and Activities Explore the wonders of the animal kingdom!echoes come from? These are just some of the questions your students Amazing Earth Adventures and Activities Ages 411 Kids love learning about animals because theyU.S. $12.99 will answer while they investigate scientific concepts.are AMAZING! These full-color activity books have tons ofAGE EMCThirty weeks of 10- to 15-minute lessons introduce students to standards- photos of animals in the wild! Kids learn about creatures in45 3131based science concepts while they find the answers to real-life questionsthe sea, on land, and in the sky, as well as amazing places67 3132about the world around them. and plants. Activities include art projects, step-by-step89 3133drawing, hidden pictures, mazes, dot-to-dots, puzzles, 1011 3134brain games, and more!Teachers Edition Student Book 128 full-color pages.Print E-book 5-Pack Individual$29.99$29.99$34.99$8.99Hidden OwlsGrade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Did youFind 8 hidden barn owl shapes in the picture. Circle them.1 5011 1 5011i 1 6621 1 6871 Barn owlsare amazingknow?Barn owls are as small 192 reproducible pages. 2 5012 2 5012i 2 6622 2 6872 because they have as a cat and weigh the sameCorrelated to current standards.3 5013 3 5013i 3 6623 3 6873 super hearing! as a loaf of bread.These owls do not chew their food. The feathers on a barn They eat small animals such as 4 5014 4 5014i 4 6624 4 6874 owls heart-shaped face trapmice, lizards, and frogs whole!sounds next to its ears.5 5015 5 5015i 5 6625 5 68756 5016 6 5016i 66 Barn owls are found all over the world. They live in treeI purchased these to address needs for differentiation in my classroom and to use as a warm-up for myholes, in caves, and in barnsor old buildings.These owls have soft students as they come in. Content is solid. Good combination of reading skills and SCIENCE. Thank you! feathers that help themfly quietly. This helps them sneak up on their prey.Third Grade Teacher These nighttime hunters have sharpNo Lights NeededEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 3132Animals: Amazing Earth Adventures and Activities talons and powerfulBarn owls see well in the Barn owls can turn their heads3132-10-Owls.indd 117 117feet for catching prey. dark. They hunt at night. almost all the way around!7/29/24 11:57 AM114 Animals: Amazing Earth Adventures and ActivitiesEMC 3132 Evan-Moor CorporationEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 3132Animals: Amazing Earth Adventures and Activities115Science Lessons & Investigations3132.indb 115 7/16/24 11:36 AM3132.indb 114 7/16/24 11:36 AMBuild strong science foundations!Grades 16This robust teaching resource presents scienceWhat Do Plants Need to Grow?concepts through in-depth investigation and observation,Plants have needs. They need light and water to grow. A lot of plants grow outside. The light these plants need comes from the supporting Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).sun. The water these plants need is rain. Plants grow when they getSkill Sharpeners: Science enough sunlight and rain.H ands-on ActivitySkill:Each grade level contains 1214 units that include: Plant-Print Papers sequence of Follow a directions to Discover the wonders of science with complete at.What You Need nature projec leaves and flowers Teacher support and concept overview page exciting lessons for kids.heavy drawing paper paper towels cutting board Vocabulary/words to knowsmal hammer or rubber maletPlants do not grow if they do not get the water they need. newspaper Reading selections with real-life visual examplesSometimes, it does not rain every day. People can he r lp by Grades PreK6This full-color activity book helps to improve giving plants water. They can use a wateing can or a hose.understanding of science concepts that are taught in theWhat You DoCarefuly tap the layers with the1. Colect leaves and flowers 4.hammer. (Watch your fingers!)Comprehension activities classroom and aligned to standards. Interesting readingfrom your yard. Not all leavesThe natural colors of the plants and flowers will work for thiswill print on the paper. Life Cyclesproject, so choose differentls kinds to try.5. Peek under the paper towe Writing activityce nd InvestigationsEMC 4312 Evan-Moor Corp.2. Find a su r rface that a hamme r t rto see if you want to tap some What Do Plants Need to Grow? selections, engaging activities, and hands-on projects cover 14 Life Scien Science Lessons a wont hut, such as a cuingmore. When you are done, peel away the plant parts.board. Cover the suface withrs to 10/14/19 6:49 PM grade-level physical, life, and earth science topics. Ideal fora pad of newspapers. Place 6. Use your beautiful pape4312.indb 14 a sheet of drawing paper onmake bookmarks or cards. Hands-on science investigation* Students make f What Plants Need Art Project top of the newspapers. lowers and show what they need to grow. Teachers Resource Book enrichment in the classroom, homeschooling, and practice3. Arrange some plant parts on the drawing paper in a pret ey Materials design. Cover this with threWhat Do Plants Need to Grow? ension layers of paper towels. pages 24 and 25 *Includes experiments, STEM challenges,blue construction paper at home. Answer key included.Reading Comprehbrown construction papermarkers or crayons l observations, and art projects! Namepenci Print E-bookEvan-Moor Corp.EMC 5323Skill SharpenersScience Life Science: Cycles 33 white paper, cut into wide stripsComplete the items.scissors glue tape$23.99$17.99144 full-color pages. 11/4/14 12:41 PM5323.indb 33224 reproducible pages. Heres HowCorrelated to current standards.2 1Reproduce a r nd d r ist t ribute the templates on pages 24 and 25 to each student. Grade EMC Grade EMC See page 32for order information.3. E Dist x ibute const i ucion paper, ma il rkers or crayons t , scissors, and glue to students.to g plan to students that they wl make a picure that shows what a flower needsrow. 1 4311 1 4311i4. Have students tear the brown paper and glue it to the botom of the blue paper.This is the soil. 1. What would happen if these plants got sunlight but no water?5. Then have students color, cut out, and glue the plant parts and sun pictures to20-Packsthe blue paper. 6. Next, have students choose the water picture they a d l i ike to use a t nd color, cut it out, and 2 4312 2 4312i7. A glue it to t f he blue paper. Invite student t s to add det r ls to the pic r ure if they wish to.2. Draw a picture that tels Tape the sentence to the botom or top of the picure. 3 4313 3 4313i Availableter students complete the projec, d r istibute a wh t ite paper stip and a penci t l toeach student. Then have students wite a sentence that tels what their picure shows.about what you wrote.Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 4312Science Lessons and InvestigationsLife Science 23 4 4314 4 4314i4312.indb 23 10/14/19 6:49 PM5 4315 5 4315i16 Life Science Science Lessons and InvestigationsEMC 4312 Evan-Moor Corp. 6 4316 6 4316i4312.indb 16 10/14/19 6:49 PM24 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1225'