b'Language Arts Language ArtsDaily Paragraph Editing Building Spelling SkillsDaily lessons that practice editing based on a rich source Go beyond surface-level memorization with strategies and of informational text. practice activities that help students internalize spelling Grades 2836 weeks10- to 15-minute lessons patterns, recognize word parts, and associate meaning Students are both editors and writers, applying grade-level languagewith spelling.skills to correct a paragraph MondayThursday and complete a relatedGrades 1630 weeks10- to 15-minute lessonswriting exercise on Friday.Based on the most commonly misspelled words, the 30 weekly units Includes supplemental resources for students, including a page ofhelp your students learn up to 540 grade-level spelling words. proofreading marks that model the standard marks used to correct and Each unit includes lesson objectives, four student practice pages,edit text and an editing checklist to guide students in reviewing andand a dictation activity. revising their own writing or a classmates writing.Forms for testing, record keeping, and creating student word lists Also includes an assessment rubric give you everything you need to build strong spellers. EDITING KEY: Biography Daily Paragraph Editingand detailed correlations. Preview the 4 daily lessons to ensure you review or introduce skills that may be unfamiliar to students.Walt Disneys Cartoon Magic Error Summary 3 1Capitalization160 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards.WaltDisneylivedonafarmwhenhewas Language Usage Punctuation:176 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards.ayoungboy.Fromanearlyage,waltlikedto Apostrophe2 1Comma drawanimals.HewatchedthefarmanimalsPeriod2carefully hemadelifelikedrawingsofthem. Teachers Edition Student BookWaltsfamilyhadnomoneyforpaperbutWaltdrewwasclever.hedrawedapigonthewallofhishouse.Waltsparentswerenothappy!ThenWaltsauntgavehimdrawingpaper Print E-book 5-Pack IndividualMONDAY WEEK 1Teachers Edition Student Book Error Summary $24.99$24.99$34.99$8.99 Whenwaltgrewup,hegotajobdrawing Capitalization5animalsanimulsforanimatedcartoons.creativeideas Language Usage1Punctuation:filledWaltshead.theothercartoonswere Apostrophe1 1 Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMCsilentsoWaltmadeacartoonwithmusicand Comma2Period talkingcharacters.Thiscartoonwascalled Spelling1Print E-book 5-Pack Individual SteamboatWillie.ThestarwasmickeyMouse.sang 1 2705 1 2705i 1 6591 1 6681Mickeytalkedandsinged, peoplelovedhim$25.99 $25.99 $34.99 $8.99 BIOGRAPHY: Walt Disneys Cartoon Magic 2 2706 2 2706i 2 6592 2 6682Name Daily Paragraph EditingGrade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC TUESDAY WEEK 1Walt Disneys Cartoon Magic12EMC 2726Daily Paragraph Editing, Grade 3 Evan-Moor Corp. 3 2707 3 2707i 3 6593 3 6683WaltDisneylivedonafarmwhenhewasayoungboy.Fromanearlyage,waltlikedtoapostrophes8/20/15 11:08 AM2726_New.indb 122 2725 2 2725i 2 6551 2 6802 drawanimals.Hewatchedthefarmanimals 4 2708 4 2708i 4 6594 4 6684carefullyhemadelifelikedrawingsofthem.3 2726 3 2726i 3 6552 3 6803 WaltsfamilyhadnomoneyforpaperbutWalt 5 2709 5 2709i 5 6595 5 6685wasclever.hedrawedapigonthewallofhishouse.Waltsparentswerenothappy!Then4 2727 4 2727i 4 6553 4 6804 Waltsauntgavehimdrawingpaper 6 2710 6 2710i 6 6596 6 6686MONDAY WEEK 15 2728 5 2728i 5 6554 5 6805 Whenwaltgrewup,hegotajobdrawinganimulsforanimatedcartoons.creativeideasfilledWaltshead.theothercartoonswereapostrophes6 2729 6 2729i 6 6555 6 6806 silentsoWaltmadeacartoonwithmusicand Grade 3 Whats Insidetalkingcharacters.Thiscartoonwascalled Spelling GamesandActivities 8 theme-based units7 2837 7 2837i 7 6737 7 6697 SteamboatWillie.ThestarwasmickeyMouse. GRADE 3 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12 Spellingtargeted spelling skillsMickeytalkedandsinged,peoplelovedhimGame-like activities make spelling practice fun and effective!EMC 8273 and GRADEpractice worksheets, 8 2838 8 2838i 8 6738 8 6698 Games games, hands-on centers2726_New.indb 13 TUESDAY WEEK 1 13 Spelling Games and Activities Activities 3 spelling words from Extra worksheets usingEvan-Moor Corp.Daily Paragraph Editing, Grade 3EMC 2726Grades 16Give students engaging spelling and word practice using wordsOver Answer key\x0b Building Spelling SkillsWords!from across the curriculum with interesting real-world themes. Spelling and 8/20/15 11:08 AM Name Action Word Riddlesword-study skills practice includes: inflectional endings, r-controlled vowels,Write the spelling word to solve the rhyming riddle.happened having swamprefixes, suffixes, multisyllable words, vowel digraphs, consonant blends, Washington, D.C. Skill Sharpeners:and more! You got from here to there but not through the air. (has one syllable)Name(has a silent There are many places to see in Washington, D.C. This great city is the capital of the United States. We went with a group of people toSpell & Write Ready,Set,Go! Goal (ends in a t sound)Reachthe (has a vowel digraph)The player can kick the ball to words that have a short vowel sound. Draw the players path up the soccer eld to the goal at the top. see the White House. That is thehouse where the president lives.Theme-based unitsThe address is 1600 Pennsylvania An engaging way to learn spelling words! Name3 GOAL marathon ends in an dThe White House was built in 1800! eAvenue. Around town, there areSpace Adventuremany parks and museums to visit. Engaging worksheets Missing in Space athlete tennis (uses only 3 letters)We saw a tall white tower namedSome letters floated out of the space words! Use the letters to finish spellinghandball hardcalled the Washington Monument. Hands-on activities and gameseach word. Cross off each letter after you use it.(has a after George Washington. It isGrades PreK6Colorful spelling and writing activities We also found a place wheredeploy galaxy journey machine orbit planet robot rocket teammate opponentyou can see airplanes and are perfect for the classroom, homeschooling, and rockets. It is called the volleyballSmithsonian Institute. There176 reproducible pages.a a a b c c e e e fitness competeare so many things to see enrichment at home. The 12 theme-based units in thisg i i l l n n o o winnerin this city.o o r t t u y y y soccerI couldnt see everything.I hope that someday I canworkbook feature a story or article with fun illustrations, softballvisit Washington, D.C., again.1.ax practice pickleballa spelling list, spelling activities, grammar andTeachers Resource Book 2. pl e GOAL porationRead the spelling words. town ry Check o a f fo r f uthe words y a r o b i u oc e t an find in tt o h e e rstory. p g a r r o k uppunctuation exercises, writing skills practice, and 3. jreSpelling Games andActivitiesEMC 8273 Evan-Moor Cornd u huse Print E-book42 Ready,Set,Go!count ound bdg ow a Test Your Skills page." What a variety of fun and creative ways to 4. r k tHow many spelling words did you find? ______ 5. d po$24.99$24.99 2005 by Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 4539Spell & Write 144 full-color pages.practice spelling patterns! The activities 4539u7.indd 63 UNIT 7636.r tGrade EMC Grade EMCinclude playing board games, creating a comic7. ob3/31/21 1:44 PM See page 32for order information. strip, creating word art, playing games that1 8271 1 8271i 8. m h n Spelling Games and ActivitiesEMC 8273 Evan-Moor Corporation20-Packs get kids up and moving around, solving52 Space Adventure 2 8272 2 8272iAvailable mystery words, and more! " 3 8273 3 8273iAmy, Grade 2 4 8274 4 8274i5 8275 5 8275i6 8276 6 8276i18 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1219'