b'Social Studies Social StudiesAWARDDaily Geography Practice Winning History Pockets Based on the six elements of the 18 National Geography Standards.Make history interactive and fun for students withGrades 1636 weeks10- to 15-minute lessons hands-on projects. Daily lessons build students geography skills, content vocabulary, Grades 16Students become actively engaged in learning about history and map-reading skills. while they create portfolios for assessment and display. Information pages,Students interact with maps, including political, physical, maps, 3-D arts and crafts projects, reading and writing connections, and and cultural maps, to complete lessons. evaluation forms are just some of the resources that make this Each book includes teacher pages with weekly learning objectives,a must-have teacher resource! reproducible maps and student activity pages, a glossary of geography terms,96 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards.and answer keys.Teachers Resource Book Each weekly unit includes a challenge question for students to complete$17.99 $17.99independently or in small groups. Print E-book160 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards.Grade EMC Grade EMCAncient Civilizations 13 3701 13 3701iTeachers Edition Student Book Life in Plymouth Colony 13 3700 13 3700iPrint E-book 5-Pack Individual Native Americans 13 3703 13 3703i$29.99$29.99$34.99$8.99The American Civil War 46 3724 46 3724iThe American Revolution 46 3725 46 3725iGrade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Ancient Rome 46 3726 46 3726i1 3710 1 3710i 1 6561 1 6851 Ancient Egypt 46 3706 46 3706i___________________________________________________ Daily Geograph Ancient Greece 46 3705 46 3705iyPicturing the United States WEEK 9 2 3711 2 3711i 2 6562 2 6852 Colonial America 46 3709 46 3709iName 3 3712 3 3712i 3 6563 3 6853Monday n half of the U.S. have larger states? Explorers of North America 46 3708 46 3708i1. Does the eastern or wester 4 3713 4 3713i 4 6564 4 6854 Moving West 46 3704 46 3704i ___________________________________________________ 2. Where are most of the smallest states found? 5 3714 5 3714i 5 6565 5 6855 ___________________________________________________6 3715 6 3715i 6 6566 6 6856Tuesday1. Name two states that border the Pacific Ocean. ___________________________________________________ 2. Which ocean borders the states that are located in the east? WEEK 9 ___________________________________________________ The 7 Continents3712Book.indb 39 NamePicturing the United StatesWednesdayEvan-Moor Corp.EMC 3712Daily Geography PracticeMississippi New Ha r m o p nt shire MaineI use this book to supplement my social studies/geography 1. How many states border the Gulf of Mexico?D N a o k rthMinnesota Michigan Vem MassachusettsCANADA ___________________________________________________ Dak ota a Wisconsin inois ohio nns New york D M N e a s e l hi r a w Je ng a a r re n h rs d n o n d e e e I y C. s u la t ndWashington Montana Uncover the wonders of each continent!oregon Idaho y? Southn ylvania Conctic 2. Which two states are not attached to the rest of the countr yoming ota ska Iow Il Pe Virginia Wa w to, D. core curriculum on a daily basis. My students become more agihci ___________________________________________________ Nebra M ylWIndiana Grades 46Students learn about the location, political VW irgeisnt ia PA Nevada Utahacquainted with their own community, state, country, and I California Colorado Kansas Missouri Kentucky NorthacNew Mexico olahoma Arkansas nne b s a s m e ae Georgi So a Carolin a nDaily Geography PracticeEMC 3712 Evan-Moor Corp. k Te Ca utheA divisions, physical features, valuable resources, and culture fIccrolinO Oc40 c 9/21/12 3:18 PM atI continent, and therefore gain a better perspective on the e ArizonaAnn AlAof each of the seven continents through engaging reading LMExICo Texas Louisiana Florida At world they live in.and writing activities. 3712Book.indb 40 c OceAn aska GuLf Of MexIcO Map Key boer ord n e a r l ARctI Al state binte rd rnatioThird Grade Teacher PA cIfIc Oc n c atio ap na l l eAnitaPAcIfIc OceA 128 reproducible pages. Based on National Geography Standards.nHawai9/21/12 3:18 PM 39AWARDSkill Sharpeners: Geography Winning Teachers Resource Book$21.99 $21.99Help students navigate the world with fun lessons. Print E-bookGrades PreK6The cross-curricular activities in Skill Sharpeners:Grade EMC Grade EMCGeography integrate the most current geography standards andNorth America 46 3731 46 3731iincorporate colorful learning activities with geography concepts.South America 46 3732 46 3732iAnswer key included. Australia and Oceania 46 3733 46 3733i144 full-color pages.Asia 46 3734 46 3734iEurope 46 3735 46 3735iSee page 32for order information. Antarctica 46 3736 46 3736iAfrica 46 3737 46 3737i20-PacksAvailable28 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1229'