b'Math MathFinancial LiteracyAWARD Smart Start: MathWinningLessons & Activities Learning math is fun with stories and activities Activity BookTeach students essential financialTeachers Resource Book that help children build strong math foundations. U.S. $10.99 skills for life. Grades PreK1 Help children recognize math in the GRADE EMCGrades 18Give students important lifePrint E-book world around them with activities that integrate math PreK 3044$21.99 $21.99 and literacy. skills by teaching them about money andK 3045financial concepts and how to apply math Grade EMC Grade EMC The audio story read-alouds help students recognize, to the world around them! Students explore1 3121 1 3121i learn, and practice math concepts and vocabulary. 1 3046real-world topics with lessons and hands-on2 3122 2 3122iBeginning numbersactivities related to using money, buying3 3123 3 3123iAddition and subtraction groceries, paying at a restaurant, raising4 3124 4 3124iShapes and patternsmoney to help others, and more.5 3125 5 3125iMeasurement144 reproducible pages.68 3126 68 3126iCorrelated to current standards.Includes reward stickers, answer key, and audio stories. 128 full-color pages."A great introduction to financial literacy for young children! ThisSkills: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; Understand the final number counted Includestells how manyworkbook teaches valuable lessons on money, earning, paying, andHow Manyin aSet? AudioSkill: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantitiesbuying through fun, easy-to-understand activities. The lessonsIs It True? Follow the directions. Then count and write the numbers. SupportDraw one ball above each dog.are well-organized and engaging, making it ideal for bothDoggie School Look at the box. Look at the picture. Is it true?Color the happy face for yes. Color the sad face for no.dogshomeschool and classroom use." 4 dogsListen to the story. Look at the picture.Track 2 9 ballsballsFirst Grade Teacher Draw one cookie next to each bone.Today is the first day of doggie school. These puppies are the students. These pups dont want to bonessit still. They want to play. The balls on the shelvesAGES Av 2025 there are. He can see that there are fewer ballsyes no yes nocookiesailableSpring look like fun. One puppy wonders how many balls7 bows 6 shoes Draw one meatball in each bowl.\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12 89 than puppies. The teacher wants to start the class. L iteracy& \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17 Workbook Is everyone here? She counts to find out: 1, 2, 3, 4, F inancialfor AGES AGES Rory ne 66 Life Skills t f y redi et. t ca . t ne . Sum e charg rt. O -M Fi T no nd t r Cor 6 p 7 orat r io 4 n n t 1 3 . 5 m t t8 in 25.thre1. 3.2 c c .ha c redi d Fi T redi la e limi rg nd t pu le te f bts t eta t ca 68 te te r me rdcredit debt k limit pu s nttateme ex nt m in t 69 y a inition.ng t1. 2. 3.cos a ry m. J Kids oh -Mor Corp r a or ?10 ation SUPER! rd Use this pag ? e to help you. $ $ Num be cred Ma c 71 a1.Whcos k e 2.it c it c U i 1.s e t 2.$2.85 Su $2 h a a Th Us H f i 3.s p rd Cou 8 a Star u B bt cos Br u a N r +Us Brea B g rac .85 +e e t rea t adnt u cos o h rcha ethi t ion$5.0 k bi $2.1 5 e p =pla ng w l y. T p yo l redi se w i \x1c su H ith ca . redi u t ca s terl it . H l i $4.00 +e t ca re a rdhe cost. it c t dol a re som s.ig rdinto t ht not ha a btrac ar. rds a e ways to f it c into f into fou ve th a $2.85 ke Ch -Mo e e . T t c igu r Cor xac ). = $5.0 ha re ou er T t a poration po ng i mout how mu s =a nt. For e ng ig nsible k ch cha i i h ng t cos xa e i mpl ng t nt ng cos e, a s ig h e you g t amou U it c 0 i s 1 2 e t ngs ea 3 4 et of s 5 6 h 7 a i 8 et back.s p 10 9 rd or c nt. a 0 ticke 0 g 0 0 it c e t 0 0 sy si 0 l rong a 0 o h rs0 l loa 0 0 a 0 el - p yo 1 a 0 M 1 2 o 3 4 n. T 8 5 u r C 6 t 7 . 8 M 10 9 orp 2 t 0 or 2 4 u at 6 10 8 12 io 14 l 16 n 18 20 hti 3 0 p 3 h6 12 9 - 15 18 M it21 24 27 o 30 rr C 4 0 4 .12 8 16 20 or 2428 32 p 36 40 or In t at 5 0 10 5 i 15 o P 20 25 S n 30 35 h L 40 ETU 45 50 AY is ga be 6 0 12 6 18 24 irs 30 36 P42 b 48 54 he d 60 ec 9 le 7 0 14 7 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 8 0 16 8 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 r 9 0 18 9 27 36 45 Debt Fre 54 63 72 81 90 10 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 90 f t 7 heir cred ith t ! Ga it c hei a re r cred re e f me irs l it c . t. ed. a re rd t pay . re d. , return 73 89 F inancialX $ $ $ $ $ 3 3 $ 2 2 .0 .0 $ .0 .0 0 0 0 0 Financial Literacy & Life Skills for Kids12 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ten playful pups, ready to learn. t -Moor CorporationbowlsKids learn about money, credit, saving, banks, r Lines n you buy som These reference pagesL iteracy& Colorful and fun, these activities will build kids moneymeatballshelp kids with math skills.and more! Short stories with real-worldly to 100 Ta Financial L & iteracy Lscenarios help kids relate financial literacy20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 and math skills! 16concepts to their own lives. Fun activities Use th H is p ow to Ad age to help you. d and Subtract Decimals Smart Start: MathEMC 3045 Evan-Moor Corporationlife skills and prepare kids to be h n ea hings. p 6 rom the amou k a $1 ing coins, cou h, you m ar, cou nting the new total as you go, Examples: 3.2.1. Write the equation ver6.82+ 1.79 7.30$5.21 tical 3 dol $3.42 ars ded. + 63 $638. 9 95. 44 5.9 6.03.03 9 Life Skills Kids Smart Star yes 45 Evan-Mo no orationhelp kids practice math concepts and ts $2.85, and you ha $2.85 ve a $5 bi nt paid. ow to Ma t the amount owedEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 6267Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kidsdecimal point for yes noinformed consumers who have Using a pencil and paper, su 42 cents Ages 813 These engaging activity books help your child learn how money3045.indb 16what you paid within the equation.$3.42 + $1.79 3.42y. Make sure the decimal points are lined up. 14 11/21/24 12:14 PMwhat you owe Add or subtract as usual. Use regrouping as neRead t s They real pic tar Ever H wou u tu h y is stor H ten.O Af y about a fa u H te erent fo mi u lys we ng ldn ? H kly restau k ry Aiden teak k ra tau nt night. ldnt finish even one meal. Howingk. y ?-M Fi o nd t r Cor he voc porat3. 4.i 36.o n 7.abu let the$20 let Resta la er.r bil .receipt.hat completes t u !ra custome 1 d tohe sentence. T rer ite tip wo hen w rd P2.1. 5.The lis pe ar res ite it i rce tau uz Read each def nt T bil cu n t it pe e rece 2 s s t le ig rce ipna r iptite you ntt ru word rei t leaven t-fo r owition. Fi . dResta nd t ex he word i 77 u ng t y hu ra n t nt Vocabul . y ahe sentence it is i L a r sed hor ry nd her d Small Piz H n. H H v erbie aug hes Bu hter went to Herbies Fa rge a i r r ito M ic t or C Pr $19.9 hei $5.19 or ice poration Howke t 1 s Recei . 1 m hei i he i Sid n Drforink mat Salad H O ra Soda s erbie Cof hes nt a few d pt e Fries he elec p ays ago. $6268.indb 6 $Pr $$$Pr 6 ice ice tron Pr ic t Howice Many 1 1 1 Rez tea ap t sel for t he pr Use t f T as vol ig et . Rez u 79 U ite, so t s E 3.e t xa 6268.indb 8 80 h ey i ey mpl Hs p 8 ba a ba ow to Adg es: e t he t l l l tea o h . T e y m. l ndp yo hemig nu u . hey ingd d a . Fi+ 1.79 $5.21 nd t 3.42Piz Taco$0.48 n 7.30decimal point rgera riesr. a bt l. Thenra 42 cents mded. $3.0 ct Deci $2.0+ 63 6268.indb 7 5 piz $638. 9 rs ma 201.5. 964 Cola 5 .03 Ro 6 . 03 7 5. 42 8 10 9 p l 78 rgers t be s p. 0 m sou 0 ries 0 0 nu 0 TOTAL 0 0 - r M T o 4 IP 5 pr C $6 $7 $8 $10 9 or $$$p $$or $$at 10 8 12 io 14 16 n 18 20 $4.0 10/16/24 2:30 PM 6 - 12 9 M 15 18 21 24 o 27 30 r Cor 12 8 16 20 24 p 28 32 or 36 40 Ta t usi at hei i ste-e. com ha o 10 15 20 n 25 WH 302.35 WH 1.403.454.50 Res The S 12 The nex 18 Af 24 e 30 36 42 e which res tau 48 te 54 60 ra s a 21 28 le, w 35 42 a nde 49 h 56 n app t l wors 63 i it 70 r f n y sc O it irs tau 24 E Q t 32 40 Whe 48 56 64 a ua 72 D80 le, w l 27 36 45 tant se 54 63 it a 72 r sig 81 90 h 5 st e res re S 30 b 40 50 ns a e r 60 tau 70 s 80 a 10 90 t rs aste-e a le s t tau 10/16/24 2:30 PM 7 s t he h he hsk ig s c ig d We Eat? ra iu u t colu lowe lnes nts i $ mn. st n thei te-e ap r a hig lso rates t rea a h le .est nd what r he praura ice nt 10/16/24 2:30 PM 81 for change AGES saving for a bike P \x1f a \x1c\x1b\x1a\x19 i electricity \x16\x15 \x16\x19\x12\x11\x10 food \x0f\x12AGES Have you been paid for doing chores or tasks at home or for a neighbor? their own financial identities. Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6267 EvanWrite the decimal point in the answer lined up with the decimal pointntil you reach the nex = $3.0 nting the new total as you go,$5.96 + $63 ifeSkil s for Kidswhat you owe nt paid ($5.0= $2.90 + n add each dolEvan-Moor Cor $7.30$6.82 $201.78$5.4 t: MathEMC 30 or Corpntil you reach the amou is story about asy way to pay for t Break coins and bils or trade them for the same amou $0.48 201. 7 8This T-shir Ror its, Ror l clothes. When she was done tr t over, andRead t hen wite you Credit Ca he def rd Vocabul eak a quar Financial Literacy and Life Skils for KidsEMC 6267 Evan porationEMC 6267Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids$196. 3 4 ning Money works! Topics include saving, spending, earning, using banks, using credit Read t Back-to-School Shoping in smal reak a $5 er coins or bil ive $1 bil r quarters =eans to go with it. wo dimes and a nickel = y and her dad were at the mal d new j er was almos d cou p, andhe word or term. Read t he stornd read t he word or ter ow you can pay $2.85 with exace, or the exacded new scho y said. I jus ying things on,a clerk added up everthing she wanted to buy.nch in the fo ed the credithen w he voc ite it i Cred lary word or ter rd Cros ishes the sentence. he word or ter n sentence below usi he sentence.k for $10.0, and s ns Credit Ca e uses the Cred You a rd compa rds a nd ex re helpf nch of c Being Res here a ke buy ht away, you must a nce you dontA rol The f l of t me, players ty to pay of hey buy w ed in the rd bi nt you ne Clean bedro Ear X X X X X Smart Star: MathEMC 3045 Evan 11/21/24 12:14 PM3045.indb 14then put it back in his wal y said. rd on the reader, waited for the be to buy something now and pay for it later hat costs a lot but you dont Thank ed his cDad tap s, Dad, Ror tore, Dad used his credit card to buy a new laptopr owNo problem! Dad said. Ror ill the cars gas tank. H an amount of money that can be spent now and paid back later nswers. have enough money. Cred f you need to buy somet re no r ng out a sma lso pay a fee. ie decides what t MY CHORE CHARTAt an electronics s ed to ffor himself. He used the card again to buy their lu top he cros it Ca hat f rchaseWord Box tra money that mus nt alloweddoes he have lef ite you . How much credit Read each stor t: $1,050hen decide i lso ma ld use a cred he money you cha sh. Ci rge to any back Find one or two people to play with.mthe way home, he s rchase, to s so easy to pay for things! a card that lets someone buy things now and pay later need to c ng a pu . If you dont pay t sh. You must pay back t he credrd compa he credy laughed. It money that someone owes John has a credit card with $500 of credit. H ny buys the item for you rd is l hen you pay t ht or w ere are his choices: cards, and more. Each book has seven themed units with a real-world story,11/21/24 12:14 PMcard for that pu Read each word problem. Wr choice a y a bu h a cred he money back r ke ta V for his family. H nswers. rcle youre responsible for t f you wouabu word word Puz charge the highest amou t be paid if a pcard tayo bmeuy a pnt isnat mir oaf sde ohoen ts fimor $e nch for $6.50, ing a c n why you chose it. T Saving u t: $875p to buy wih cas a game piece for each player, play money (pages 85 to 91)t on the card?Adams dad wants to buy a big $10John then used his credit card to buy lu when he can get it: now when he can get it: in 4 months Gather materials: the Game Board (page 74), a die,late fe rchase a report that tels how money has be tickers for $5.25. Including the The dishwasher at Ebonys house broke. She ne p to buy wih cas back to the bank. mber that was rol mber you rol Take Spot for a walkFinancial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6267 Evan credit cardsomething that is bought a bo t of the shoes, how much debt does he have now months Explain: ing a c Saving u t: $40 ds a new dishwasher.The obj Each player gets $10. This is the debt that they mus Wipe and put away dishes X 3045.indb 12 $6.50 S $ L 35 0 vocabulary, concept activities, math problems, and a hands-on activity or6. 7. 8.for the cos . ldnhis credit cardDown 1. 2. 4.O buy his dog a doghouse.Ker to.4.n used t statement has a late fe ?tatement. He pays $ \x1f\x1e 70 ere are her choices: \x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16 when she can get it: in 3 months \x15 \x16\x19\x12\x11\x10 Continu \x0f\x12 t of the game is to become debt-f t month. yone pays $15 AGES Help Dad wash car $10.0 Amazi STICKERS ng! $5.25Place the game pieces on Month 1 of the Game Board.Pedro willt of the plane ticket.liver has enough in a safeFinancial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6267 Evan t month. Then he forgets to pay again. when she can get it: now \x14\x1d\x13 Find the nu ened? par t to the nue playing. t month, ever 1011t player rolls the die. John earns $50 each month to pay back what he owes Read the words nex t of the Game Board.on his credit card. How many months will it take him AGES 1 What Hap r game piece to the nexIf you can pay back some money, put it back in the bank. AE $2L iteracyAc3.ros & to pay back the whole debt e of $23. How much Explain: t: $480\x1b Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6267 Evan If you use your credit card, take out the amou e (all money hasWorkbookMove youinancialfor Darius owes $37. says that place!p youof buyingJohn pays $50 when he receives his s \x1d Repeat for each player. 67 ntil a player is debt-fF The bankt have anyIf you always pay on time,$50 again the nex When all players have moved to the nex e in the same month, they The nex of their debt to the bank.game. Play money, resource pages,does he owe now both win. e for all 8 months or un paid back to the bank).If more than one person becomes debt-fRashida bought a used bikeyoull never owe as each Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 6267Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsIf players reach the end of the board and nobody is debt-fso that she wou l is the bes I have aall pieces to Month 1 and continuthat Aunt Ida ever made!AGES 011 inancial SLife Skills Kids u.Num 0 be 2347206 This handy to 26 U 0 s 1 2 e t 3 7 his p 10 0 a 0 0 g 0 0 e to he 1 l 0 p yo 1 2 3 u.M 2 0 2 4 u 6 3 lti 3 p 0 3 4 0 4 5 0 5 month. 6 0 6 e comic bo ble 7 0 14 7 8 0 16 8 9 0 18 9 10 10 0 20 Ignit \x1f\x1e i \x1d n \x1c\x1b g \x1a\x19 \x18 Yo \x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14 u \x1d n \x13\x16\x19 g \x12\x11 \x10 M \x0f\x12 inds F 97Evan-Moor Cor 81 porationEMC 6267Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids645144229 11/1/24 12:51 PM Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 6267Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kidsho11 EMC 62 pping and an answer key are also included!ISBN: 978-1-64514-422-9 EMC 6267 Skill Sharpeners: MathKids learn about money, credit, saving, budgeting, Use this page to help yo r Lines These reference pagesL iteracy& Predicting My Paycheckhelp kids with math skills. 96 full-color pages. Correlated to current standards.Wade works at his aunts restaurant. On weekends, he washes dishes, refils napkin dispensers, a i nd keepsand more! Short stories with real-worldly to 100 Ta Financial L & iteracy L the bathrooms cleascenarios help kids relate financial literacy6267-69CVRs-Final-Revised.indd 1-3 1.n. He receives a paycheck every week. He saves his pay to buy supplies to buld robots. Make math fun with colorful, engaging activities!concepts to their own lives. Fun activities 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Use tH his pow to Mu age to help you. ltiply and Divide Decimals Wade earns an income of $8.00 an hour. Last Saturday, he worked 6 hours.life skills and prepare kids to be2.1. Write the equation ver btrac $3.42 + $1.79 tical $3.42 y3 dolars -Mor Corporation p with the decimal pointEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 6268Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsLife Skills Kidshelp kids practice math concepts and d Su 7 dol $7 .89 ars for$ On Sunday, he worked 4 hours. What was his gross pay for last weekend?decimal pointtheir own financial tauidentities. n sentence usihe word nd read t d to pay Add or sut as usual. Use regrouping as ne10/16/24 2:30 PM $196. 36 6268.indb 93. 2.Division 1.direc 3.2.bracketMult 1. the digits are lined up on the right. ion.tical Example:$23.67 7.893 3 18 $2.63 6 18 09 09 7.8900 digits 9 yng Activity Book rn Money depe nt must deduct income tax from what she pays him. Grades PreK6Provide engaging math practice and see informed consumers who have Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6268 Evan wer lined u re the decimal points are lined uiplicat 89 centsWrite the equation very. Make sure that$7.893 2 digitsWrite the decimal point in the ans . Make su $5.96 + $63 Count the number of digits to the right ofExample: 2 digits2. Wades auMultiply as usual.the decimal point in both numbers you are multiplying. Starting on the right side of the answer, count the same number of digits.back of It was Friday night. Aidens family was. What; his s rger, and thething they10/16/24 2:30 PM nt Cros mizedhen w tome detailed; lis he stor Main Dis icial paper LaTo $3.59 $4.75 $6.20 nya Many ly Restau e Dis nion Sou $2.50 $1.80 $1.25 $1.50 Many Howwent to t re out t in the equation.pe of fo he nex $7.30$6.82 French f a sliceside Bu $2.25 $8.50 $3.25 $201.78$5.42 Lemon-lime $4.25 $2.25 to rate it on a qu k about that lets users see a l houl ist of restau he app a $ $ $ $ $ house \x18\x17\x1b\x14\x1d\x13 Lets EaWrite the decimal point there.Evan-Moor Cor Write the decimal point above the bracket$7.893 ifeSkil s for Kids She made him a graph to show how much money she takes out,Write the equation using a long division tly over the decimal point in the dividend.Divide as usual.porationEMC 6268Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids10/16/24 2:30 PM nding on how many hours he works each week. Use the childrens math and problem-solving skills improve with Bills U.S. $9.99graph to answer the question.at his new favorite resrant. His family had 6.82 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6268 Evanted going there a couple of wes ago. y liked it, so they planed to come Aiden opened the menu and sawa piece of paper that says how much you nee will lo res of all the dif t take the f d dishes., the hambu tomach could hold only so much. tes like.y word t Word Box mizeda person who buys thingsaTonya a w mu Spaghet ablet to tar order.Lemonade $2.79 beach vol hen rou he beach to playBeach he tot y $10 spent.$5.75 rge Mashed potatoes $3.25 ng a cost sch 5 dol hem. Ta ustomers who have eaten at a rest \x1d Do you help at a family business? There are many ways to earn money. ked delicious! Aiden likes to eat. thing lo k at a menu and want it alld you like to eat? his mom asked. hambu She was right! H 74 e cout have them al ter that. H e can order theis familysignatu he cros a paper that shows what you boughTt aheni eicrbe tieo yDogu $7.69 aTonya ion on t $3.35 abletsnack shop on they ate at aBBQ ribshe tea Mushro a slices a pencil t how impor ity Sca ving size, tas hest cost.m, or low. Write you tance.\x1e 1213 When you have a job and you earn money, you may be able to buy things$14.00 Tax Deductedis momju ried chicken, the s s so good that I cant decide!teak tas ndred coaches worked up a , show Hambu $9.95 Caesar saladBudgeting $12.00Ill take the f mped in. Just a minute, Aiden! Do you think you can eat all that one for ever ting all itemsver used ach yn eou plecatirdon $3.25 ms 16 players a he beach.Hot dogBeach Treats Me r customers t hest score. T Cost ScaThen it hit him. H inish thre teak af rger, he won e decided on . It showed ever Ac 4 ros I wrote myver brought the fo 5 7 Down I kept the6 t was6268.indb 76 76 . Every item a name writen in handwriting that approves an of L Item n item erbieChicken iz fter t - $5.85 r meal. Use t bies Family Restaurantny he whole tea re out how much t 8 hot dogs 10/16/24 2:30 PM AT YOU N ld take you to save u ing to spend on a meal andL iteracy& water Internet fun Workbook you need and want.Can you help me with my yard? Skill Sharpeners: Math activity books! The colorful theme-Aiden responded, No, but it all lo e thought and thought. If he takes the chicken, he givesHere is t ice of each item t SteakSoda Aidens mom reminded him of all the times he cou t know what the s he menuwas he going to f rger. If he eats the hambu rant. H a placed one order p the hambu t time and the s ried chicken then, he said, smel tra money paid to someone who provides a seHr erbieSalmon spent on each t ip. Give $1.50 for ever 2 BBQ ribs rant Ratings, page 82 p that much moneyrger nex is family likes this res AGESeductedthe chicken this time. mized lis ved at a nearby table at that moment. to create a Veggie Bu ed receipt for L 10/16/24 2:30 PMHow Ma inancialLets figure out what kinds of jobs you may be interested in!crispy chicken being ser e was glad he had ordered it. Hon thewas clearly shown.so I knew Evan-Moor Cor Falafel Wraps F 6268.indb 80 he menu to f t whole dol 7 hambu an idea of how much money you are wil te, healthf, and price are to you.Babysitter Please contact Jan: (555) 478-5555had a f kay, Illjus rned out to be delicious. H d is gone now! nd up to t 2 tacos groceries: h $10.00n evening with great fod. It was a nice way to end the we $38 a mont AGES EMCus a lis The chicken tu inished eating, the server brought the bilter they f t. It showed each item with its price. Why are they givingt of what we ate? Aiden asked. All the fo 6268.indb 77 The ser s give the ser y good, sohow much I paid.10/16/24 2:30 PM 6268.indb 79 Thanks for Eating at Her 10/16/24 2:30 PM 16 sodas 6268.indb 81 Read the information about the res 8 rants available on the Tas Kids Use t Hhis pa 12 ge to help you.ultipnd 13 ls 00 phone inancialWanted Can you help me with my yard? based activities create enjoyable learning experiences for ordered in an i Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6268 Evan6268.indb 74 I was shocked when I saw the rant. at a fas Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6268 Evan 9 French f how long it wou r each heading. 6 t scores in the columns with high impor These reference pages e Deci that costs $11213 F waste Babysitter Please contact Jan: (555) 478-5555 $8.00Amount DaTonya got a receipt a 1 sou 2 salads Think aboutance for each one as high, medAT YOU DThe service was ver ver an extra 18Many people don porationEMC 6268Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsLife Skills $15 per hour of DONATIONS $6.00n rank the impor rants have the besranking u n choose the top threrants that youd like to eat at. Write 1, 2, and 3 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6268 Evan t to yout, second, and third choices in the lasyouve decided, explain each choice. 8-9 6267 $4.00 children and improve their math fluency, number sense,Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 6268Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids$2.00Help us reach our goalcredit card Wanted buy supplies for the 0 234720Evan-Moor Cor 62 porationEMC 6268Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids687 03 Ignit \x1f\x1e i \x1d n \x1c\x1b g \x1a\x19 \x18 Yo \x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14 u \x1d n \x13\x16 brothe h \x19 g \x12 tated. 22 \x11 \x10 M \x0f\x12 rni t earlie i r n y, and s r, bu d y cu nte tood in line to orde rs r pic pa e of tion writ tu r, f re take e r.inge e rs ready ove ime s nch. She we s tu is is he tu n!f te nu scre r se nt to he r s ing a movie,tar n. rrtedrson-M below before payd or ter o r. r C or m t p Hou or at io r n s wor ntMet Ju Ju elac ne 1 ne 8 0 ay. Read t 4 ked: ba na is Pi s com incomeis:zz rt he doca Ju . Ju . He a ishou ne 2 ne 9 4 0 ionnt:u nd h rlyment 9 is ma . T deduc netJu Ju EMC 6 ne 3 ne 10 4 6 :: tionrite t 7 i r hou l Ju Ju ne 14 rdirec 8 occu ne 4 ne 11 6 6 yabu 1 la$72 $648 r ument Ju Ju 6 ne 5 ne 12 6 0 nt 2 4 gros Read each def T com d d educ g i 5 Ju Ju rec ros ne 6 ne 13 occu is r 0 t t d 4 t ite you ime s ionion24 e pa pos in he t 1 r owit ionition. Fi Ju Ju tEa an amou orne 7 0 4 0 retire nd t rni a t 4 me nt take ou nt ng Mo nt ng t 2 25 n ou 32 m i mploye n tliteracy6 y f 9 r m. y a t te t 1. 2.$ O r depe n Su h4.3.How$14.0 $12.0 E $10.0 28 $8.0 s at h $4.0 $2.0 $0.0 mu is au 2 we a why.nts rest P ry n ou n. aura es 4 nt tion. skend -6M r. Las o t we u r C s y we tu , he wa or t Satu p ke or k at nd?t we shes d Hi8 s pay for las oonurs Wo ke u ishes c nd?ted r is pay to buy sup, ref ke 10 t we d il t, ke U ?se t nd? i rs. n d h i 12 s p How to Ad 1.2.3.a $ $ l ge to h W i e 6269.indb 6 lp yo , a 6 i 14 u nd ke . yescioim no ps - s. d a Mo tical r C 16 nd Su or 3 dol yporat 3.42$5.21 io ars n 10/17/24 11:15 AM The f T by t U help kids with math skills. Ma s e t 2.rac 1.6269.indb 8 3.he t 4.h 5.is p Star D 1. 2.8 re fou a ne a sk l g ded. Wou e g e t d. D o h ra rac r ma le g Note: e ph lp yo ra i pu u ph . as ex Mar D+ 63 eve Ar snack if l ta se tra re s r 5. 96Ci .03 5 50 p you . 03 s e l5. 42 rc ks re es nd a l t et ? is50 17re pa -Mo ra te r Cor p poration ntr h ts. Tota s l live Tota 2 par ts. r, by t k l ea s s:s:ts: we 6269.indb 7 rce7 20 e $28 Mu r Wha $17 $5 rs f r 2.1.3.ping we ts. H Divis l 2.1.t ig 3.iplica Mu t I Ea Cou r. muans ping ion direc t r ion ned20 r 13-M id o is r C ion, a .orp te orat r ndio tical n rts. 7 dolars Imag llWH ta 2.WH 1.? 3. 4.i ne t 5.If pos eacha pe adj 30 us ncil 27 tme t fe l L O t the i i ng at d E f t you E e xa D$7.893 E m. J xa mpl r ne if $23.67 e: ma 7.89e: ds the bes r 3 t-t t thre y i h, med e par0 digits 3$2.6318 6 7.8918 res, se piu 09 0 a 10/17/24 11:15 AM 7 re i rse n h n P ig y colu roject ds. t enjoyableld he t. lp youtant rganize rnet -Mor Corporation 10/17/24 11:15 AM L iteracy& $15 per hour t U 2.s 1.E 3.e t xa hi mpl H s p t 6 ag es: e to help you. tical d a y3 dol n 7.30d Su ars btract Deci+ 63 ma .03 . 03 5. 42 l 78 s p. of -Mor Corporation$1,000to helpMu U s 2.1.3.e t l H 2.1.t 3.h Mu Cou i mu s p ans ion a ltiply as usual. ge t tion o help you. .ul tical tiply a ars nd Divi 89 cents de Deci Exa Exa mpl mple: p yo e: 3 ls 3 18 6 18 09 09 0 7 u!10-11 6268 DONATIONS $0.00 and reasoning skills.animals at the shelter. 2 4 6 8 s Worke 10 12 14 16Kids learn about money, credit, saving, budgeting,ow to Mly ad Divi Help us reach our goalISBN: 978-1-64514-423-6 decimal point$1,000to help ISBN: 978-1-64514-422-9 EMC 6268 Financial Literacy and more! Short stories with real-worldbtract Decima $7 .89 89 cents 11/5/24 2:56 PM buy supplies for theHour dscenarios help kids relate financial decimal point Write the equation verp on the right. mbers you arere thatmplmbe 2 digits animals at the shelter.6269.indb 9 To calcu Exa To calcu Pe late a f E t xaY mpl 2 ou mpl rce H You mpl Pe e e:re are com es:E t of eve rce rac rce xa e:What f mpl if the t nt means ou qu U 1060 se t 1 r 30 y 3 s re we racof you rce his p 32 ars. on ways pe tu 12 rce 050of you rac re 10 a de e g r al n with a nu e to h r nts u t of eve y 4 dol 0 s 25%r takesr clas 19090 t ove tu se earbu el de rce p yo t of 150?r Pe y 10 nts in you nt is u sed: 4 u 9 1 10 tpaot . rof e rac y dol par tu . It is a way to compare por %ds. n 9 rlt r fol de sed: 0 of the it ar (10 r clas 10% 12540 0 ce m cor=r clas ds ins 245ec t. rce m wou n 24 istion. d Fra r 25 y 10 dol 4 n 10 nt on foof 150 tau 0 qu ar. es t te ctio d. rms. l. It means that rcent. ive, ns . l. 10/17/24 11:15 AM 9 EHowmuch was deducted for income tax last weekend?$ $ yes noconcepts to their own lives. Fun activities $3.42 42 cents the digits are lined u y. Make su 2 digits6267-69CVRs-Final-Revised.indd 4-6 consumers who have their O t-ti he word or ter he word or ter ney Vocabul $7.30$6.82 $0.48 7.30be spent on each thing. This circle graph tel 2850 s you the fol for comic bo l budg $7 for s et: $50 ned: $20 the decimal point in both nu 10/17/24 11:15 AM mber of digits.Pe Life Skills Kids You can use these pages to hel mahelp kids practice math concepts and Write the equation ver $3.42 + $1.79+ 1.79 . Make sure the decimal points are lined up. nt is divided up into par owing: ltiply as usual. mber of digits to the right of$7.893 for 12-13 6269 144 full-color pages. nt the nu ting on the right side of the nts are writ es:6%0% on a qu rce owed by the pe 0 in the de re had be nominator.tions easily. rant. It means that 3.t weekend? Examples: n. al point in the answer lined up with the decimal point Write the decimal point above the bracketYou learn that 32% of the snts in you nts a s ride the nt symbol, %.ir bikes to scho How much was Wades net pay lasltiplying. Starnt the same nuwer, coulife skills and prepare kids to be informed Add or subtract as usual. Use regrouping as ne $5.96 + $63 $638. 9 201. 78 e G t of the total can Write the decimal point there. Read a circ tions in a budget circle graph tell what par Write the equation using a long divisionYou scored 9ld have gotiz. It means that if the nts) that you spe ir bikes to scho tions on the n trihte te ehqe duaet A circle graph shows how a total amou brackettly over the decimal point in the dividend.H Frac ere are com Exa ou donatelate a pe What pe iz, you wou nt, divide the part by the total amou , 32 of theld ride the 24 is 16% of 1504.kits. The nex uture and spends half of it on robotThe size of each part shows how much of the whole it is. Divide as usual.You want to leave a 15% tip when you pay for a meal at a resyoull leave 15 cents for eve tion with 10 nt; write the decimal as a pent means the same thing as a f ttotal = %ion means par on ways f t of a whole. It is an easy way to write a por hown before 2:0 Wade saves half of his pay for the fmins Budg for snackEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids $201.78$5.42 for downloads:Correlated to current standards. own financial ed a s r the meidentities. nager f ne 1Ju ed out the doc pationme hen w incomen sentence usi nt an e t of an e mploye he stor mploye nd read t vice sold nt mus tly into the eredmploye rance,0 an hou ng My Paycheck ispensers ld robot6.82 here a ke a circ They neraw the par comic bo $196. 36downloads nt of the par he items. The hou 10/17/24 11:15 AM $13 for paper route paper route es eve nswers. r; sometimes heJob Ap hat you wa ob Comriso h school. mn to show how impor Pay ow to Ad decimal point 42 cents iplica ow to M 7 dol decimal point $7.893 7.89 2 digits 20-Packsnt is 24 of 150? 24150 = 0.16 = 16%& Evan-Moor Cor It means that for eve tion is 24 ou tions are u f the regular price for all movies s ce to lowes ars you receLifeSkills for Kids xplainwhy.t kit he wants to buy costs $48.99. Can he buy it yet? Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evanr local movie theate ars of the admision price, you save 1 dolYou notice thatowance to chary. It means that for eveHow many par nt that you want to show. you donate 3 dol ion, write the par mates have earbutead of earphones. It means that Read tis story about eang money at a pa Write f t with the total amou ts do you have? ts youMake su How much is in each par r total:me job. ecide how to divide u p to the total. r the total amount; you may reduKami walked quickly down the ce Mall Jobs tions to show the amou mber of parre that they add uand he had a shy lit p to he le girl who did not want he nd to get a ride home one day af re take ed animal andTony works at Pa 10/17/24 11:15 AM Label the Docu y word pay to a salesperson for each product or se s earnings to pay for taxes, insu t; take . On we rs he works each we . He saves h s napkies to bu Divide the circle into the nu hearsals af nt Ways to Get Pa rong a , like Mar e is paid byYou have been look nt to get a pa erent tpes of jobs.t-timejobs on the Job Information she Write the equation ver $3.42 ded. Write the equation ver $7 .89 $23.672 digits Availabler of the mall to grab a bite for lu d to take uts in order of their size. p the whole circle. porationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids favorite food s kay, bu tand, Calas Cu t I was tr n, Kami said.r batch right now, Tanya informed he he sentence it is i Label each part. Write a title for the graph.What can I get for you? asked Tanya, the cashie ion this morning!Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan 9135 ing BillsId like an order of tandoori chicke tes. Were cooking anothe sions? Tanya asked.t it will be a few minuYou look like youre my age! Whe ying to earn one more comKami s Darn, I wish Id lef re are you working that pays com tore? Hes my oldeYou know the guy who takes photos of litle kids outside the book t is salespe y a toy a way to pay an employee by puing paychecks direc n. He receives a paycheck ever rday, he worked 6 hou . Read about each one a s at a clothing s nts. H id: by t le school. H here are no rhe year, by com ly income is divided intome job when you amade it walk ur and sit in her lap. She looked u n. I grab Employeme: Tony Taban for Ju : $18 peyearly salar bank ac ype ofjob or care Wade work rooms clea ch was deduc rs. What was his gros 10/17/24 11:15 AM Steve work tores acros t; sometimes he helps shop e teaches f ind what they want. H ld receive, AT YOU N lication, page 32n circle the word in the Priorit res again and make anyre you live. Monthly Bils in the equation.t as usual. Use regrou wer lined up with the decimal point direc nt the nu nt the same nu y. Make su $2.63 7.89 r, Kami explained. I was waiting arou p and smiled at me. My brothe hat labels each pa Word Box t deposittime shneeett the amount of money earned afr deduc nday, he worked 4 hou icti rom what she pays him. n ways t to its s hat workers a nswer t tore. Sometimes he ru tra for re ns the sales regis y day, as we ta? Why Job Information she res. The t, page 31 tant featu t. Visualize youlf doing thatjob. If the decisionAdd or subtrac $3.42 + $1.79 . Make sure the decimal points are lined u Divis the digits are lined up on the right. re that$7.893 0 digitssnapping shots and got some realte ones. Hred me ajob right the n. I car the hou ts clothing ou n he works longe ht or w ive clasWow! So you make money geting kids to smile? Tanya asked.that I think theyd like, and the kids get their pare n on my t he bat Wade earns an income of $8.0 equal monthly paymee is not paid ex n the sale is complete, MarEvan-Moor Cor I chostop oewsthoewre Id gwreoesks pay p n g ki wor ovrikirong m loca morvtp houdl joeb sc e thes requ k dauysrk hotr eu u Fe ionly payr n ipta iept porationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skil t i ietnt ionu e re s/r se e d rmooacicuosndoors wa$81.0M4:0o0n W at a re$9.0 u chayng en pata k aogr ae lnk fa Fakem oerdnet, ma tctahbalnegt, e rom school s7: t Fo rs se e 0d0 F rtau is rs, ta ta d Ca rai ntnt ksee kh ier scdroisjhnudtdoc J taokme pabunsy to moviu $12 pa S h 5i vahrhat c dgcieve ob I $12.25 at Su a vabl a omues oaxd e d v r, upl oi ns eusr, sa pepr rodxa. yy l.50 rsr asgn earcke ifsti n sf tom u ornfo nd nzg Moven itaunredaonf es,e r, s for Kidsrsjob b a rmatio ndr nge fdcauprograoufsospa s i $1 r S wci 9:a0t S0 u n4:0 eDat aHy Cigah mSupn $8.50 tdo agal t are ecat ceid 9.0 n m Cae nt drm ivitoi r, sa dm l s 6e rs i mu ingf e 12p Cou n natu ive s ftdoo ad et 0 , h or r kidsyi,k s m erng, i n re e selor highmehighmhigh high highmhighmhighmhighmhighm mm Pr ee dlow ed e dlow io eddeeddlow 31 e dridlow lowlow ty lowlowlow electricitywatercar loanphone28Kami laughed. Sometimes. But the occu nts to say yes.r, so he earns more whebecause I go up to families with litle kids and ask if they want their pic the total amou e earns for the time worked Anand teaches music in mid r school before conceis yea hearsals and conce$120 $55 $200people who are moving and se lps match people who are looking for a new house with hen whe voc money received, usualrom workWades aut deduct income tax f k. Use the earns a com s houses. She he ing their house. Whe rom he kshe earns money for $45 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan-Moor Corporationionshe receives a pent of the sale price.She made him a graph to show how much money she takes ou Lana drives a big rig truck. She ders goods fr companys warehouseFinancial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan graph to ansr the qu-home pay Tax Ded ld you rathe y mile or kilomete s the couy. Lana is paid by the tas ype of income that you Read the information abou m, or low). s the mos t that wou Write the decimal point in the ans ping as ne $5.96 + $63 5. 96ltiplying. Star mber of digits to the right of tions are take or an income that changes depe r she drives. The longer the route, the more she earns. AT YOU D job feature is to you (hig e whichjob look the decimal point in both numbers you are nding on how many hou ted for income tax las r have a regular income, like Anand, so you knew how much you wou Look at the featu t impor lication on page 32. res that are not on the lis t few years. Use the Inte 3.42$638. 9 wer, cou ting on the right side of the nding on how much or how hard you work and will me nts. If there are anyjob featu tance of the featu+ 1.79 bracketmber of digits.6269.indb 22 Payme : cooka form that an ee uses to record whe detcude t D nuo m A $6.0n he or she worked Write a note to one of the four people above who has ajob or t ds and wants. Looking at the mos $5.21 Write the equation using a long division might like. Include qutions about paying for things he or she ne decide, lis l right, think about the impor Write the decimal point there. doesnxplainnds half of it on robot Fill ou 10/17/24 11:15 AM r choice and explain why you chose it. ts your income ne r options andgroceries 6.82 $196. 36 tly over the decimal point in the dividend. 6269.indb 28: 40 hours$18 = $720 6269.indb 24ne 14 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan ts $48.9. Can he buy it yet 6269.indb 27Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kidsall you Write you t the Job Ap t-timejob that you would like to have in the nex re are whe ring. O $7.30$6.82 $201.78$5.42 Write the decimal point above the bracket How much was Wades net pay las re and spe Now think of a par r area to f r abilities and me s that you used above to compare you $575 mortgage$0.48 201. Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids In Rea Divide as usual.Wade saves half of his pay for the f orjob ads in you its you ind out how many reasonable options the$675kits. The next kit he wants to buy cos ible, talk to people who are doing or have done thejobs you are consider information. Use the same proceschoose ajob that f 10/17/24 11:15 AM Evan-Moor Cor hod of payme check to employe 10/17/24 11:15 AM 6269.indb 28 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan 6269.indb 30 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan credit cardFinancial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan Page 76269.indb 25 porationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids$300 Page 6 21waste EMC 6269Going to the Bank managementEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids $30ISBN: 978-1-64514-424-3ISBN: 978-1-64514-422-9 EMC 6269 10/17/24 11:15 AM\x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12 inds 978164514424239 10/30/24 11:17 AM0 23472062697 73 Igniting Young M 6269.indb 216267-69CVRs-Final-Revised.indd 7-922 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1223'