b'Reading Comprehension Reading ComprehensionDaily Reading Reading Comprehension Comprehension FundamentalsImprove students reading comprehension and test scores Rigorous practice of reading skills and genre study! with an easy-to-use format!Grades 16 Your go-to resource to target reading skills and strategies! Grades 1830 weeks10- to 15-minute lessons Fiction and nonfiction texts provide students ample reading experiences.Daily Reading Comprehension has been a classroom favorite forThe comprehensive units develop a deep understanding of each skillproviding daily instruction of reading strategies and comprehension and strategy introduced.skills that students need to become strong and successful readers. Each of the approximately 35 units focuses on one reading skill,In the 30 weeks of daily practice activities, students are asked to applystrategy, text structure, or genre, such as Main Idea and Details,reading skills and strategies to 150 fiction and nonfiction passages.Compare and Contrast, and Authors Purpose.Grades 12: These titles include visual-aid pages to help 176 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards. students apply reading skills and strategies to daily passages. Grades 38: These titles include visual-aid pages and Teachers Resource Bookconstructed response questions. Print E-book Pairs perfectly with208 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards.$24.99 $24.99 Daily Reading ComprehensionGrade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC1 2421 4 2424 1 2421i 4 2424iName: WEEK 1READ THE PASSAGEAs you read, pause after each sect Mo i nitor Comprehension DAY 1 2 2422 5 2425 2 2422i 5 2425iunderstood the information. ion to thnk about whether you 3 2423 6 2426 3 2423i 6 2426i" I use this daily with my I. IntroductionThe Arctic Ocean is the smalest and coldest ocean in the world. It stretches from the North Pole to Asia, Europe, and North America. The Arctic Ocean is mostly covered in sea ice all year. It is home to walruses, polar bears, and whales. Because the ocean is grade 4 class. Its teaching themso cold, few plants and animals can live there. II. Size and Temperature Read & Understandessential comprehension skillsThe Arctic Ocean covers 5.4 milion square miles (14 milion square km). It is smaler than all other oceans. It is also the shalowest ocean. The temperature of the ArcticTeachers Resource BookOcean stays around 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius). The large amount ofwith Leveled Textsthrough passages aligned withsea ice in the ocean stops its temperature from changing too much. However, much of the ice in the Arctic Ocean is melting because of global warming. their reading level. I can see theirSTRATEGY PRACTICEWas there any part of the passage that you did not understand right away? Leveled texts help you supportPrint E-bookHow did you figure it out?students varied reading abilities.$23.99$23.99 thinking skills improving withGrades K6Help your struggling readersGrade EMC Grade EMCSKILL PRACTICERead the item. Write your response.Pairs perfectly with every week. I have 1. What is the article mostly about? develop comprehension and vocabularyK 3440 K 3440iReading Comprehensionrecommended this resource toskills! Leveled reading selections and follow- 1 3441 1 3441i 2. What is the purpose of the side headings?Fundamentals several colleagues at my school.up comprehension and vocabulary activities2 3442 2 3442iSo glad I purchased it. "3. Name two continents that the Arctic Ocean does not touch. cover skills such as synonyms, recalling3 3443 3 3443iinformation, using context clues, and more!4 3444 4 3444iFourth Grade Teacher Name:5 3445 5 3445iWEEK 12READ THE INFORMATIONEva Re -Moor Corpor a ati r o aph and study t aily Readin Visual I r n n fo io rmation DAY 4 160 reproducible pages.n ad the parg nEMC 3614D he map. g Compehesn6 3446 6 3446iUnited States Climate Zones 17 Correlated to current standards. According to the Department of Energy, there are four climate zones in the United States: 3614.indb 17Cold, Temperate, Hot-Humid, and Hot-Arid. Areas with cold climates have mild summers and12/5/23 4:25 PMcold winters. Areas with temperate climates have warm summers and cool winters. Hot-humid climate zones have mild winters, hot summers, and plenty of rain. Hot-arid climate zones have hot summers, mild winters, and little rainfal.Upper MidwestNorthwest Nonfiction Reading PracticeNortheastTeachers Edition Student Book MidwestClimate ZonesSouthwest Southeast Cold Make nonfiction accessible and TemperatePrint E-book 5-Pack Individual Hot-Humid Teachers Resource Book$29.99$29.99$34.99$8.99Hot-Arid engaging for all reading levels.SKILL PRACTICERead the item. Write your response. 1. What is the na . me of the climate zone that has cool winters and warm summers? Name one region that Grades 16Your students can learn about Print E-bookis in this zoneGrade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC the same topicat their own reading pace!$21.99$21.99 1 3611 1 3611i 1 6371 1 63612. Is Texas in a single climate zone? How do you know? Nonfiction Reading Practice guides students Grade EMC Grade EMC2 3612 2 3612i 2 6372 2 6362 in reading and understanding nonfiction texts. 3 3613 3 3613i 3 6373 3 63633. Describe the climate zone of the Southeast. 1 3231 1 3231i4 3614 4 3614i 4 6374 4 6364 STRATEGY PRACTICEWhy is a d h ifferent style of shad a ing used for each climate z i one on the map? Every unit includes a reading selection at three2 3232 2 3232iHow did tis help you understnd what you were lookng at?5 3615 5 3615i 5 6375 5 6365 reading levels and follow-up reading and3 3233 3 3233i6 3616 6 3616i 6 6376 6 6366 86 Daily Reading ComprehensionEMC 3614 Evan-Moor Corporation writing activities to build comprehension. 4 3234 4 3234i7 3617 7 3617i 7 6377 7 6367 5 3235 5 3235i3614.indb 868 3618 8 3618i 8 6378 8 6368 12/5/23 4:25 PM 208 reproducible pages.6 3236 6 3236iCorrelated to current standards.6 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x127'