b'Early Learning Early LearningListen&Learn AWARD Give Early Learnersa WinningHelp kids learn to read! SMART START! AWARDWinningGrades PreK1An audio option on every page supports early learners as they listen to stories read aloud andSmart Start Activity Bookscomplete colorful and fun activities to practice basicreading, writing, and math skills. Includes reward stickers. Accelerate young childrens academic development!144 full-color pages.Grades PreK1Lay the groundwork for academic success with the Smart Start series for early learners. Complete with reading, Hungry Pandas Track 68 math, writing, computer coding, and STEM challenges, these Skills: Counting; One-to-one correspondence; Fine motor skills Each panda will eat one plant. Count the pandas in each row.Then circle how many plants you need to feed the pandas.full-color activity books engage children in building the Jaguars foundational skills needed for lifelong academic success. Includes Listen and learn about jaguars.Activity BookAudio Jaguars are big cats that$12.99 eaEngaging activities guide children in learning important skillslive in the Americas. Many jaguars live in MexicoSupport and South America. Only a Hands-on learning components, including STEM activitiesfew jaguars live in the United States. Listen & Learn: Animals Listen & Learn: AlphabetAudio read-alouds for stories and reward stickers*Grade EMC Grade EMCPreK 6134 PreK 6144 *Stickers are not included in Smart Start STEM. Most jaguars livein rainforests nearlakes and rivers.Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 6134Listen and Learn: Animals103 K 6135 K 6145 128 full-color pages.IncludesBut some jaguars live in deserts and grasslands. Audio6134.indb 1031/11/22 9:56 AMMost jaguars have a mix of orange, yellow,1 6136 1 6146and brown fur. They have black spots.Support68 Listen and Learn: AnimalsEMC 6134 Evan-Moor Corporation1/11/22 9:56 AM Activity Book6134.indb 68"HIGHLY RECOMMEND!! My daughter has eagerly completed all of the Listen and Learn Animals $10.99 ea books. She enjoys the audio recordings option to read along with the story and activities. Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMCBeginning Coding PreK 5917 STEM PreK 9925 Sight Words PreK 9287The included stickers are a fun surprise, too!" Beginning Coding K 5918 STEM K 9926 Sight Words K 9288Amy, PreK Parent Beginning Coding 1 5919 STEM 1 9927 Sight Words 1 9289Math PreK 3044 Read & Write PreK 2427 Phonics & Spelling PreK 2430Math K 3045 Read & Write K 2428 Phonics & Spelling K 2431My Big Bookof Words Math 1 3046 Read & Write 1 2429 Phonics & Spelling 1 2432Unlock a world of words with colorful fun!Grades PreK2Help children step confidently into the world of reading with whole language learning activities that develop vocabulary, word recognition,Social Skills ActivitiesforTodays Kidsand writing skills. Themed-based stories introduce children to new words, Fun social skills activities that help Activity Bookwhile fun word activities and games, such as Bingo, drawing, and word mazes,children succeed!engage them in building their vocabulary.U.S. $11.99 Ages 45Help children have positive interactions and gain Grades PreK and K books each introduce 60 new sight words, confidence with these colorful workbooks that provideAge EMCand grades 1 and 2 books each introduce 72 new sight words.practice and preparation for making friends, being at45 3117192 full-color pages. school, going places, and being online. FunatSchool Track 12 128 full-color pages. Activity Book My School Track 11 Goingto theStore MakChoicing Gesood Includes Look at the picture.ListeningwithMy Body In the and others safe when you are in a store. You can make choices that keep yourselfU.S. $14.99Audio Skills: Understand words have meaning; Connect words and pictures; Acquire new vocabulary Listen to the story. glue Classroom Which kids are making good choices?Look at the picture.Cut and glue to show how you can listen in the classroom.Listen to the word. This is my school. Draw a line from the picture to the words.Support What Friends Do What Is a Friend? I do not run GRADE EMC Mr. Chin is my teacher. in the store.Look at the pictures. Trace the words that tell what friends do.I read at school.glueMy First Big Book of Words school teacher I write at school. glue I keep my Yesterday II play with my friends at school.PreK 3101 Includes went to theglue glue myself.park withhands to Reward my friends. ItI have fun at school! 75was so K 3102 Stickers read write Friendsplay . Friendsshare . I use a cart safely.My Big Book of Words Activitiesthat26 Teach SocialEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 3117Social Skills for Todays Kids1191 3103 play friends in lap on speaker listening quiet are still 69 3117.indb 119 5/11/23 9:00 AM Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 3101My First Big Book of Words25 My First Big Book of WordsEMC 3101 Evan-Moor Corporation Friendshelp . Friends arekind .2 3104 3101-02.indd 26 3117.indb 69 5/11/23 9:00 AM Skills! Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 3117Social Skills for Todays Kids 9/23/22 1:04 PM8/23/22 12:44 PM 8 Social Skills for Todays KidsEMC 3117 Evan-Moor Corporation3101-02.indd 253117.indb 8 5/11/23 9:00 AM36 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1237'