b'Vocabulary Handwriting/WritingA Word a Day \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12All GradesName Sentences with u and wTeachers Edition Handwriting: Manuscript, CursiveHelping Children LearnGrow students vocabulary one word at a time. Print E-book The ULTIMATE resource for teaching handwriting! HandwritingTrace and write. aDawn saw a few crows.Grades 1636 weeks10- to 15-minute lessons $24.99$24.99All gradesThis book is divided into two sections: Based on the model of frequent, focused Grade EMC Grade EMC Traditional Manuscript and Traditional Cursive. That music is unusual. Practice for School and Homepractice, the 36 weekly units help students 1 2791 1 2791i Within each section are units that developlearn 144 must-know vocabulary words.2 2792 2 2792i handwriting skills and provide Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Students learn and review four new words each 3 2793 3 2793i valuable real-world practice. Teachers Resource Book I want to see the view. week in activities such as prompts that involve 4 2794 4 2794i Print E-bookAa Bb Cc Dd Ee192 pages of comprehensive activities for critical attributes of the word, graphic organizers,5 2795 5 2795i manuscript and cursive handwriting $19.99$19.99Doug found useful tools.and open-ended personal connections. 6 2796 6 2796i EMC EMC B bCcD dEeAa 160 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards 3137 3137i B bCcD dEeAa Cursive 133 Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 3137Handwriting: Manuscript, Cursive 3/22/24 11:28 AM3137.indb 133Making FriendsFriends Letter BbTrace the letters in each name. Then trace the sentence. Trace and write.B B Hi! My name is Hi! My name isDaily Academic Vocabulary Teachers Edition Lily . Ceci . b b Boost comprehension and confidence Lily and Ceci likePrint E-book chocolate. Look at the letters on the balloons. with daily vocabulary practice. $29.99$29.99Count the Bb s. Count thes. Which has more? Grades 2636 weeks10- to 15-minute lessons Grade EMC Grade EMC Hi! My name is Hi! My name is b b b B b Direct instruction on the important words that2 2758 2 2758i Qiu . Zeke . b B b B3 2759 3 2759i Qiu and Zeke zoomed B b B b B bstudents encounter across subject areas and by quickly. 16 b B bon standardized tests. 4 2760 4 2760i Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 3139Handwriting FUNHandwriting FUN: CursiveEMC 3138 Evan-Moor Corporation This research-based series contains academic5 2761 5 2761i 57 3138.indb 16 4/26/24 4:30 PM3139.indb 576 2762 6 2762i Handwriting FUN! 4/12/24 4:00 PMvocabulary for each grade level, such asHandwriting FUN!explain, create, solve, imagine, and improve. CursiveAll AgesChildren will learnActivity Book All AgesThis colorful workbookActivity Book192 reproducible pages plus downloadable resources with basic strokes to develop the weekly words. Correlated to current standards.U.S. $9.99has fun activities to help kidsU.S. $9.99 fine motor skills needed tolearn to write cursive lettersprint lowercase and uppercaseAGE EMC and cursive words.AGE EMCalphabet letters. Includes funAll Ages 3139 128 full-color pages.All Ages 3138theme-based activities! 128 full-color pages. Vocabulary Fundamentals Teachers Resource BookHelp students build a rich vocabulary Print E-book Daily Handwriting Practicestep by step. $24.99$24.99 Grade EMC Grade EMC Develop students handwriting skills with daily practice. Grades 16 1 2801 1 2801i All grades10- to 15-minute lessons 42 scaffolded vocabulary skill units provide 146 activities to practice synonyms, word2 2802 2 2802i Daily handwriting activities provideroots, homophones, and more.3 2803 3 2803i students with important practice in Teachers Edition Student Book4 2804 4 2804i writing letters, words, and sentences. Print E-book 5-Pack Individual Additional word-play activities, such as 5 2805i 112 reproducible pages. $21.99$21.99$34.99$8.99 puzzles and riddles, add fun vocabulary 6 2806ipractice.EMC EMC EMC EMC176 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards.Traditional Manuscript 790 790i 6895 6844Traditional Cursive 791 791i 6896 6845Modern Manuscript 792 792i 6897 6846Contemporary Cursive 793 793i 6898 684710 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1211'