b'STEM/STEAM Critical ThinkingAWARDMath Connection STEAM Project-Based Learning Brain Games and Activities WinningKeeping ScoreSome games have only one winner at the end of the game.Hands-on activities to develop problem-solving skills. Screen-free brain games boost critical thinking skills! Keeping score helps you know who wins the game. Grades 16Encourage studentsAges 411Entertaining and challenging brain games andHelpi \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12B rainLuke and Clay are playing a new game called Bag Toss. TheyAges toss 3 beanbags into a bucket. Each bucket is worth 5, 10, or20 points. The player with the most points at the end wins! Teachers Resource Book 89 AGES Gamesand ng Children LearnLook at the points each bucket is to develop collaborativeprojects provide hours of fun! A wide variety of tasks keeps kids8-9worth. Then look at the buckets Audio supportActivitiesbelow each player. Add up their 5 10points. Then write who wonthe game. Luke Clay 20 problem-solving skills! ThePrint E-book engaged and motivated: logic and reasoning, creative thinking,Brain Games for problem solvingengaging STEAM tasks provide$19.99$19.99 abstract thinking, language and word play, spatial reasoning,StickerStickerActivitiesThe winner is activitiesmeaningful learningmemory, and more. Audio prompts guide children throughCritical e and Grade EMC Grade EMC creativ5 10 5 5 20 10 opportunities for students asproblem solving. and Activities thinking1 3111 1 3111i Logic and they work together to study128 full-color pages.Activity Book reasoning2 3112 2 3112i L ord play and Score:Score:current real-world problems Print E-book wanguage 100 STEAM Project-Based LearningEMC 3112 Evan-Moor Corporation 3 3113 3 3113i Puzzles, mazes, and strategize solutions to $11.99$11.99graphs, hidden 3112new.indb 1004 3114 4 3114i pictures,isterstongue tw 2/2/22 1:27 PMhelp create a better world. Drawing, Age EMC Age EMC imagining, 5 3115 5 3115i creating128 reproducible pages. 6 3116 6 3116i 45 3127 45 3127i Includes Over80Fun Brain Games!Correlated to current standards. 67 3128 67 3128i Audio89 3129 89 3129i Support1011 3130 1011 3130iSTEM Lessons&ChallengesSTEM Challenge:B\x14ub\x11er \x0flo\x0ce Visual LiteracyInspire innovation with real-world STEM challengesA close-up drawing of polar bear furguard hairlong, clear, oily, holow; Grades 16 Students applyDaily Higher-Order Thinkingleads suns heat to the skinunderfurshort, thick; Teachers Editionmakes air pockets to trap hot airdark skin Teachers Resource Bookblack; holds on to heat science, technology,Teach your students to be critical andPrint E-bookengineering, and mathPrint E-book creative thinkers in just 20 minutes a day! $22.99$22.99 concepts to solve real-world$21.99$21.99Grades 16The 30 weeks of engaging problems. Each STEMGrade EMC Grade EMC activities help to develop and grow studentsGrade EMC Grade EMCchallenge includes teacher 1 9941 1 9941i problem-solving skills. Each full-page activity1 3271 1 3271iA close-up drawing of polarskin and student support pages,2 3272 2 3272ibear blubber under the skin blubber 2 9942 2 9942i for MondayFriday provides practice of a muscleincluding visual real-world3 3273 3 3273i Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 9943STEM Lessons and ChalengesL\x1efe \x1aci\x17nc\x17 27 examples and design 3 9943 3 9943i higher-order thinking skill in the context of a4 3274 4 3274i9943.indb 274 9944 4 9944i different curriculum area for authentic practice.6/13/18 8:54 AMprocess worksheets. 5 3275 5 3275i5 9445 5 9445i 176 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards.6 3276 6 3276i128 reproducible pages. 6 9446 6 9446iCorrelated to current standards. Science topics support Next Generation Science Standards.Career Spotlight Skill Sharpeners: STEAMDirty Jobs Skills:Draw a line to match the job names and descriptions. Then write information andAWARD Compute SKILL: solveUse visualSkill Sharpeners: Critical ThinkingA, B, C, or D to match the job to the picture. informational Job names Descriptions text to makeWinning Down by the Seainferences;Learn aboutAn integrated approach to learningcareers that can help keep communities A. sanitation worker uses a truck toenvironment and the the neighborhood Explain howin a colorful activity book! Engage students in logic, puzzles, and Todd and his sister Rach e e y l saw lots of things down by the sea.collect trash from clean;certain jobsAdd up al the things thsaw.B. HAZMAT specialiststudies soil to learnmeet specific how people affectneedsthe environment11 beach balsC. environmental separates differentcreative thinking. Rachel 42 shels Rachel + 17 beach balsspecialist types of recyclables Grades PreK6Engage children in empathizing, thinkingTodd + 22 shels ToddD. recycling sorter handles chemicalss beach balsand other dangerousGrades PreK6The creative and critical thinking activities shelmaterials critically, and applying knowledge to solve real-world problems. 18 beach towelsRachel 2 1 9 gul l s Rachel + 12 beach towelsEach unit presents a real-world problem in a realistic fictionin Skill Sharpeners: Critical Thinking will engage your childTodd + 0 gus Toddbeach towelsstory followed by an informational text, written and hands-onin practicing the skills needed to be a better thinker! gulsa starsRachel 84 wav v es Rachel + 4 1 3 se a stars+ 62 waes Todd 6 seToddr e t t i L activities, and a hands-on STEAM task. Integrated learningThe creative and imaginative activities will motivate youres sea starswavfocuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.child to practice thinking skills such as categorizing,Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 9333Skil Sharpeners: STEAM 15 Each title includes a downloadable Teaching Guide! reasoning, evaluating, and analyzing. Each title includes9333.indb 159/8/20 3:03 PMa downloadable Teaching Guide! Skill Sharpeners: Critical ThinkingEMC 3251 Evan-Moor Corporation144 full-color pages. 112 Places 20 -3/10/23 2:40 PM3251.indb 112144 full-color pages.Packs20-Packs See page 32for order information. See page 32for order information. AvailableAvailable 20-PacksAvailable26 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1227'