b'Cross-Curricular Cross-Curricular Shar p AWA i RDkill en e r s Winn ngS Daily Summer ActivitiesGrades PreK8Help children make a successful transitionctivity Book Includes from one grade to the next with teacher-developed, full-color practice A A activities in major subject areas. Paced for ten weeks, the engaging R s 100 101activities offer practice of reading, math, writing, spelling, vocabulary, critical thinking, and geography skills. Includes reward stickersAW D Teac (grades PreK3) and a summer reading log. Con r nect the dots. 148 149 150 102inning hing 144 full-color pages. Stat at 100. 103W Grades PreK6 Guides! Correlated to current standards. 145 146 147 t w e l v e f x 104 105Language BytesCircle the missing words. 144 e i g h t l o s 106 1. Who on the team can run the? s fastetfas s ter fastes swe t etest 143 t f n t h i i v n r z e m t n e e u r y x i 1072. Sugar is than salt. we weeter142 w o e e v n e 108H Chickens 3. Is Mother as as Father? old older oldest 141 e o e 109ens lay eggs. Some eggs are gathered as food for people. Some eggs are left in the hens nest to hatch.140 r u n s e v e n 110The hen sits on her eggs to keep them warm. 111She tucks the eggs under her body and turns139 138 137 130 129 123 122 113 112them over with her beak. L Math TimeInside the eggs, chicks are growing. Afterook at each analog clock. Write the time on the digital clock. Circle these 136 131 128 124 120 121 115 114about twenty days the chicks peck their way out of the eggs. When they hatch, chicks arenumber names132small and covered with flufy feathers. Thein the word125baby chickens grow quickly. Before very longsearch. 135 119 116they will grow into hens or roosters.one seven134 2.How does a hen take care of her eggs? : : : : f thre r e nine l n 117 1.two e eight 133 127126 118fou tenWhat happens inside the eggs? ive evesix twelve 3. What would happen if people used all the eggs for food?20 FridayDaily Summer ActivitiesEMC 1073 Evan-Moor Corp.Number the pictures in order. : : : : 1073 Book.indb 20 12/11/18 12:07 PMActivity Book print $13.99Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 1073Daily Summer Activities Friday 19Moving from: EMC1073 Book.indb 1912/11/18 12:07 PM Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 1073Daily Summer Activities Wednesday 15 PreK to Kindergarten 10701073 Book.indb 1512/11/18 12:07 PM Kindergarten to 1st Grade 10711st to 2nd Grade 1072Ask us about our2nd to 3rd Grade 1073SUMMER SPARK program!3rd to 4th Grade 1074School orders of 20+ books get a 25% off4th to 5th Grade 1075discount, free shipping, and bonus add-on5th to 6th Grade 1076summer-learning activities.6th to 7th Grade 107720Packs A ailable Click here to learn more. 7th to 8th Grade 1078vGrades PreK6Engage children in practicing the most important grade-level skills in a fun format.Top Student AWARDColorful activities are aligned to current standards, and each book in this dynamic series is ideal Workbook Winningfor classroom or homeschool curriculums, as well as at-home enrichment. A downloadable Teaching Guide for every book includes instructional support and lesson extensions! Provide children a path to academic success!Activity Book144 full-color pages. www.evan-moor.com/ssh Grades PreK6Top Student jumbo activity booksPrintprovide more than 300 activities to keep children$15.99 challenged and excited as they strengthen their skills across all curriculum areas. Top StudentGrade EMCactivities provide practice of the most importantPreK 9319Activity Books$10.99 each skills for each grade level, as well as opportunitiesK 9320Spell & Write Math Reading Science Critical Thinking Geography Grammar &STEAM for critical thinking and creativity.1 9321Punctuation Core subject areas and topics include: 2 9322Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC 3 9323PreK 4535 PreK 8249 PreK 4527 PreK 5319 PreK 3249 PreK 3739 PreK 9949 PreK 9329Grammar and punctuation Computer science 4 9324K 4536 K 8250 K 4528 K 5320 K 3250 K 3740 K 9950 K 9330Spelling and vocabulary Science 5 93251 4537 1 8251 1 4529 1 5321 1 3251 1 3741 1 9951 1 9331ReadingSTEM6 93262 4538 2 8252 2 4530 2 5322 2 3252 2 3742 2 9952 2 93323 4539 3 8253 3 4531 3 5323 3 3253 3 3743 3 9953 3 9333Writing Social studies4 4540 4 8254 4 4532 4 5324 4 3254 4 3744 4 9954 4 9334Math Social and emotional learning5 4541 5 8255 5 4533 5 5325 5 3255 5 3745 5 9955 5 9335 352 full-color pages.6 4542 6 8256 6 4534 6 5326 6 3256 6 3746 6 9956 6 933632 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1233'