b'NEW TitlesContents NEWTeaching Resourc seClickable table of contents! \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12 andW rko books!TeacherFileBox.com4 Igniting Young MindsReading Comprehension 6 About Evan-MoorPhonics .9 A AGESAll GradesAll Grades AGES45 GES\x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1245Vocabulary .10 Our Purpose WorkbookHandwriting/Writing 11 Igniting young minds to helpHandwriting Igniting Young MindsLanguage Arts .16 every child learn and succeed AnimalsHandwriting Practice for School and Home Amazing Earth Adventures and Activities Amazing Earth Adventures and ActivitiesMath .20 Our VisionAa Bb Cc Dd EeScience 24 Nurturing childrens STEM/STEAM 26hearts and minds to help themAa Bb Cc Dd EeCritical Thinking . 27 reach their full potentialB bCcD dEeSocial Studies 28 Our Mission Aa Bonus !B bCcD dEeAa SEL and Culturally Responsive Lessons 30 Creating engaging and WorksheetsSee offer insideLife Skills and Social Skills 31 meaningful learning resources Animals: Amazing Cross-Curricular 32 for kids in grades PreK 8 Writing FabulousHandwriting:Earth AdventuresSentences& Manuscript, CursiveandActivities Homeschool Bundles .34 ParagraphsDiscover the ULTIMATE resource Art .35 Make writing fun with creativefor teaching handwriting! Explore the wonders of theanimal kingdom!Early Learning . 36 sentence-building!Additional Books . 38 Read more on page 14 Read more on page 11 Read more on page 25F inancialL iteracy& AGES \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12AGES All Grad \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12Grades 13 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12GRADESLife Skills for 12131213 Workbook es dwrit i Igniting Young Minds 135 Ways to Place Your Order AGES 1213 WorkbookKids nKids learn about money, credit, saving, budgeting,These reference pages Use t H his p o lp you. F inancialn g W i iTo calculate a f you d Y 2 oYou n t Example:I Yt m ract 1 1060 Examples:6%03 Y y 3 s i at of l f t Y q ou l Yo a uu s 32 t o U 12 se t 050h tions are used: is p 19 eun w a 090 ge to h a 25%mrbauteds hs. ar 41 10 lt elp yo he a Pe y 1 um par y dheon yl 9 0 u b. er It ifos a wl 1540 %. 2 rce= 25 as 4 10% , 3 r nts a 24 istion. 254 y 10 dol ad be nd Fractions yim t awo r. n f . o s . hat & Daily Handwriting Practicea Se r n t s n rksheets!NUse thi H s pa ow to Adge to help you. d and Subtract Decimals H gUONLINE:www.evan-moor.com and more! Short stories with real-worldRe be s The sh e f ad a circl irp Use th caz r i le g e o i oan e s p npe g s i h s help kids with math skills. c ah p ch t lp you. o Arm t c his c 50rs al a cle g ks rap id fofr co dge a t: $ : : : $ $10 287 5 $5321iviD3. 2 u sion thrlltici t a Mu W C W Wirriraviiee te tdD mu d b i t t l c w t tipg ce a e t e t key otl i lio he d h h t ie e ts a e es u mal pu ng o n the ri y m ht. cniv kid it fs. mple: .8$9e 23 7.637 :.89 3 3$ 27.8639618 0 d 2 d 2 d09 ig ig igitti 10/17/24 11:15 AM itsss 7 FUN! FE-MAIL: purchaseorders@evan-moor.com scenarios help kids relate financial literacyT A c ent o ctirf e age to he raph ingh. Teow a t wircle g2 0c 5Circle Graphs ofmor siwc bnnloacodskkss6269.indb 7 M1. lWe d hnrstiunt t aty a ecihe n age to he o M n bmn th nhs te rti ultiply and Divide Decimals L iteracy$3.42 Frac Examples:Here are comon ways percent is used: ttotal = % n your 2 oclaf tss rheim wde thoeuilr bd rikdee ts tho seir bchoikoels t. It mcehaonos tl. Financial Literacyhs2.1.3.E Write the equation verticaly3 dol 3.42decimal point ars42 cents ded. $5.96 + $63 $638. 9 .03 . 03 Perrcceennttsamree anws rit Pe ot of eith vae nr owead by to cy thoem ppearce pent osronbs eol,a %si.lyWriting FUN nte ce andParagrapw t decimal pointconcepts to their own lives. Fun activities $7. 896269.indb 9Evan-Moor Cor Here are com ion means par you w here arwne threa 1t 300 s2% otudf tehne ts istn yudoeunr cts il ar (ou p100 cay fenotr a ms) thaet yal aou st a rpenst ota n 100 questions on the10/17/24 11:15 AM 9LifeTraditional Manuscript Handwriting FUN! and SentencesBonushelp kids practice math concepts and an a b howahurt ss hdg s ho5. 96rapmh toh ocueh tnt is dl f the wiv heod u le it is p in.to potaal crtsa. n tipoe d ipehlyr, ce dingo. Suecn ns uqre lusut tiomtmaharbine saletal pt i.i ation verottgiical 7 dollars ke surhre hat89 cents Ex$a7mpl &r of d oint there. u . Mao tigbt shghers ye ridige ohu aot of te tlife skills and prepare kids to be informed ined up oe number of dig Ex$a7.893Add or subtrac . Make sure the decimal points are lined up.in the equation.t as usual. Use regrouping as neWrite the decimal point in the answer lined up with the decimal pointconsumers who have their tw mu Budgetl welhls yat pou tart ohe ff tohle tlowing:ver tsueqcuai. mahe d.tlioan ul poi ecisminnt aag a ll pbovione tnt ig dn the bivhe disraoi et end.xamples: $3.42 + $1.79 $5.21+ 63iz, ycoure wd 9ou0l% od han a qve guotizte. In 9t m0 eoaf nts thehm cat iof trhecrte h.own financial identities. 6269.indb6+ 1.79 sn5ainoiks 8201. 78 dow n5017l o adsor doEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsKids Space6 $7.30$6.82 7.30$201.78$5.425. 42 -Mor Corporation 10/17/24 11:15 AM forull laenat tve 1o l5 ceaeve a 1nts fo5r e% tvip werPHONE: 800-777-4362 6269.indb 22 Read this story about earning money at a part-time job. ma b 22 WIOk rn ed. t c , bt i ist w ko h h e y .ill be o l k im dn i.rl w d s et hI w n u o t owru h it i nth la oo o d an h es n t ri c skehd Tic e ee kl ut t p. S en d re a g a eh s a eid ,a oc ir pa ns t or pi rens t f theererid maenn o in p auatsnki t d theer ba ide t ee h nt t rs rre eatch rcdoy omighvmet nr tis . he le j yt m om ighe hen!he me tuoff n fr e?t T ed a oh nya irnrnefoeinrnmg.! ed her. nr s n be iiono 10/17/24 11:15 AM i income s P 0 s sionJu Ju ne 1 n : ::4e 30 n deedt uctionJun J ed o he voocuxt tahbe dulaocry wumoerd nt oc J Ju 6e 52 0 sit g tirmoe ss Ju Ju 6269.indb 24 ne 1 4 he com Tehaen w R neett24 is JJuunne 100e 74 iontpa an a Earning Money Vocabulary nt r H.34.28 s e owO ki e w adeu 1 d 8.0 .00 0 0 0 00000 n h s a d ine h 2 h w g oi n i h 4 .0 t. O y l ayn w 6r CorporatHi8oo e u arshde saes dy, hy favie wesos hhr lesa, rois psrt wkeafed 6 hy tiel . H k h . U e t 10 ?n robot s n ekaeupond? o b 12 $ $ urs. i yes14 no r Corporat 16 tss . pion 6269.indb 272. 1.o W Wr a 6269.indb 8 Note:21a kM 34. . 5.8 D S ne Div o e a ta ecrt wdi cHHe horow muw macre tt iricth t Ma eq a eeu t A to i ps e o o bouays tat e n w aorxtp le g ow t ta d aa s i he t o l mo d t tra re ao d hs t raphtaivl aian edrny p ch o o rks a ln a e c comic bo e u as m rsa ap y dd u ch pou hart op t sic i ur to tot e c s r wer taidh: be iy tte e p ? a g s he t g o v ve w f t ant to show. .i in e vel o et pa g t im l. H o hreoe t Total buTota3 fl ertsor s:aoWr prnwha k s h s l e 2 p e $a1 $7 f g uer nin igr, b s t 7.d w ht or w k r c ed ap ete I Epinou le ps :e $20 pape2r r ag ng an rnteed r r 130 r a n as wyr oute r Corporation rul? W 10/17/24 11:15 AM4 3.N c I of po 5 row tRoo j e,ou eachdoo a L L a s27 eT Y dd w Jak a ve behat yen lou wookain ci e t e, l j j mo o t f b t ailk t or fe O e on. U g ao gt d t t nd e Job Comparison Project e if t a p hy y m, o a t ts yh bs or u u n t n t rk g t e hs a s t e l h gt t t fw y he d ow im cisle poion rtant t. u lrginv e I ee a. nr nizetetLife Skills WORKBOOK for KIDSPercent means the same thing as a fracTo calculate a percent, divide the par tion with 100 in the denominator.uraonot. Id.t means thatWhat percent is 24 of 150?t by the total amount; write the decimal as a percent. 6.82 $196. 3624150 = 0.16 = 16% 24 is 16% of 150$0.48 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evanon ways frac t of a whole. It is an easy way to write a porfavorite fKamood si watlakend qd, Cuiaclkals Cy d Mall Jobs Writke fe su d. Draw t ch is i mount that yoaeu w: l? talhe parts. swe 2e0ping our leaoncs tal mhaot fvioe tr ehvearty 4 der taoklelas rs o of tff the rdemgisuslaior pn pricie fceo, yr aoull m saove 1 dvies sohln before 2:0 Woy, ahe cnd setnood iter of tn lhin e ma e to oll tro gder. rab a bite for lunch. She went to herts do y Example:u donate 3 deWhat frac yorsu.r al udf yenotus ur cslae esave earbuds instead of earphones. It means thatSee offer insideut ootf eice tvehr ion, write the par owance to charity. It means that for everars you receive,nat to shey ahow the amount oo t over the total amount; you may reduce to lowest terms.ke aaun I g h It f ft eoaae?rdw mlier, but I was try Maide the cirche ple inato trts ihe nn orudmer ober of thf peir sartis yze.ouKami statDd la haaiy, I w n orded ler ooe a ff tr y inutekas. We, tre c ny Kaihnme cg tooi sao eaksiinhdg a. iaern or, fnionng e mo ow, tion Thanu scis mo Label each part. Write a title for t Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan-Mo9135 porationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids of 150 Skills for Kids Paying Bills Letter Lltion is 24 out of 150? otptThey ned to take up the whole circle.he graph.th snapping shoo yts an y littenr au aSmot so oe mo e re. Ba akeied ns par litohhit wonea arnhort he yf lund titetu wle kcidtus oert a re t ? Ty wy y d smohi n. I ge boonbkd a se dest tto. Mmaisry ae? Hsy bi ter seey oe imatartr ed nsd kevide, . deductionwn sy teo a sa ouy a ken out of an employe uct or service sold kin d olourtheo, so h ing oe eut; soaulronts mohinen mm he ho, by the yo rea he sa y comromisiosnw, aenrs.d Evan-Moor Cor I tcoh omse tvonpovprkiororintng umnietewskilthhwgroewr o worsks dh payoauy prs he e s required locat porationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kidse eId gethourud kjoebscpi ion ets n ly payriptFea e tion m / u coaonk aogr ears r i re ncusael kafoduonot rcshangew$81.0M4:0on0at a restaurant$9.0c t ptahakaye mnogerdnet, rsm, at abroW Fas mle sct, ho7:e0d0 Fistantt Fo ri d Casaeke hie l k sducoirihvtdedor, paourl sjnhupdagocionergsctekaao$a r S5 h m12t S2o.u5r0ns pvh ev py baulnifst yti ato mrciue $12.25 Job I ercker,abands lo vaxaden sfu or siz s,ts oamp n esjob becauseog,m er odxa.yp nfo ande n itaunrMove ovingrsde armatior onf programofsousirsctdpwdeorid rss $1a S i ac 9 rm Daa8t H.50igh Sunenmt dinrigv, ehs i :9.00ty 0 S Cu an4:m00 p$a , agl le ec i nateidvs iafetnander Camp Cou t6o at ure ie y,u kineg,s f12ootd m or kr ids nse highlor highhigh high highmed highm medm med 31 highmedlowmedlow medlowlow Prmed ior lo it low yloww Monthly B $200 ils Trace and write. LLLLLParagraphsarnod htdhe iee hYrYt w K,oou ku lad a saooak unlmoi ek lw tp thi a d l xpe g o f dd g laie g uy w ere m lies w y ags w! W itlty c teit tihng k tos o orking that pamre od ays caboeb rd. ss maing a moyldl aa ae d earch dite yefour oinition. Find the word or term in the story and read the sentence it is in. Different Ways to Get Paide looko ged uf wf esn m ntence ulesspineg trsohe wn foor erd oacr th perrodm.FAX:800-777-4332 Tony works at Palac Label the Document direct depositgrosbank aay to pac a w n employee by puting paychecks directly int Wr t Po trhe eedmploicyets ing My Paycheck b Ty t hehre te arae fsk. Rour mead aapiShtnue eats cve wnh rns a rtoivrcoees a bis am hat wne aornd akers an ms. Thuer e are n oarns f hes five c halt tlaess rhseey ws eegisavtenery drt; so. He is paamy, aets wimid bes hell y eWHoAb IT Ynf OU N mation sEED he ereant trt-yptimee js of job wh obs. en you are in high school. Planet RiddlesL L Lbect I tauKsWahe I goimnwi lk t! So uaheyughoeu map t ike, and th mime k iey g ids g ute oncued as. Ho spask ie otmiot leo sa aye aa ask ir pitimctuer e tsheakeet is n. I csaalersy a tpersooy n or remotiremunet tnat arnings to pay for taxes, insurance, Read the clue. Write a planet name from the rocket to solve it. incomethe total amount an employee earn tWs f1he b.adoWn S aahe t thoe e rrkimms c kuenndtce rs romecee osetaiuvf $res a pan80 acn hhecek eoekure. Lvnedray ws, hst Se weaekt he pa y suppslipes teno bsersu, aild rnd koboe thely pa timre witedos hrdehle sc. Se hen homehe wloopes st tch p ppe r c. His yearly income is divided into oos aae wrns ailt horan. Hs ae hhet a cor tloew berm tfhoare pt labeaylds eay. Rach pceoamd tamrt.ie dh izza. He aocunmd henis mt. Thaenn wager frWiote til rd Bdirceuct dpatiepoon occupationmoney received, usualy from work 2 $.$12.0 e ma ndauy, hnt me wust dorkeed 4 hduct inocurosm. We thaax ft wroam ws his ghat sross pa ducyass he ttkees oihmde .u t, Lans s ve a r ls houseslys a. Smveihfntng ae hetr scs. Hend sle is nphs maooel bl forhe ceid eeir hoopxncloe wtuera fsretsh. Wor ro ahehre len tearhsae sa omhrpaice een. d coomnecw hpelrtetsoe, Ma.use wYImoru ha itath gina Job Aplication, page 32t, page 31 ree pajoe P formation she Use cursive writing.ookinls ag fle is conFinancial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan-Moor Corporrat basis:hourly for June 1June 14 time she : cook a type ofjob or care $10.0 p4eh tndo a n how mare qa utp; th tunaeo sy hksteiho-ohnoouw h.rs hme pae wow myoruks ech moTaach wx neDy seee oun ild yncou rme tathhear ht cha le who are mossss tioig thn rus cokhu. Se rntrhee dy. Lce ana is pa ns mo arehneoy fuse or Aa pencil le the wrt-otrd iimn te the amount of money earned after dedgduSec$hratpions are tnsm a gwker tn oa criog r is a pvers geoodird bcens ft oy thrf tom he he sataeselectricitywatercar loanJupiterMars MAIL:Evan-Moor EducationalEmployee4 name: Tony TabanJuyearly salary $72 unne 1n0e 63 a form that an employee uses to record w$$$$$h0246e why.e or she worked van-Mo nurs Worked mirigte a n or thho hings has a e oj or sb ohe nr tyepe oeds af inncd wome tanthsa.t you alhl yoo In R dnoesikdn d tOt the iU Dhe fnforamaturteison a. Thboen cut tirhc ge 3ou c2. edeisuu, srreas tine whe oat a ).iorithy ce Joolb Iumnn tahe mot o s jobh. Iost ew hf t njoyeab $120 $55every mile or kilometer she drives. The longer the route, the more she earns.PaymentAmount Deducted anges deguelpar ienndcnoi me, ln hike Aow mnauncdh o, so yr hoow hu knaerw hd yoow mu wourkc, lh yike Maou wota d rechW1y2e.?.iHv phoneMercury Neptune l l $45 l l l l l lkend? ob feature is tt, tr nsht io yienmk aepodou (s tborthahue bnit tgt fhh, ee ieamst. Vtmueaporistu hose it. cr loohf twiurcre nh she fej olf dob let oaoiootn tnu Hours wJJuun0one 8e 1rked: Junn4e 9e 2 : $18 per houur n66e 1e 41 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 E ncoasmt we teax lekeanst wd?10/17/24 11:15 AM ht likeo. Ite tncludne qe ouf teshe ftioons aur pboeuot paple ayboing f Werite y jusntg aill miseet tent tl rteheshe mo. It yigef thmouh. ere are anyjob f leze y isain ahat wnd maould hke aelp yny ou How mucmuch waas Ws deadduecs nted fet paor i640 hours$18 = $720 Wts. T ade sahe nvees hxt kait hlf oe wf his paants ty fo bor tuy che foustts $ure a489.nd s9. Cpaen hnds he baulf oy it yf it oetEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsFill out tohue Jr cohb Aoice aplicatioxn oplan pain w heere a re croee wnasrsi. Uhdeere ysrie tng. Oho check to employe $648 ExplainFinancial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan-Moob ahiibndele, tk os ial Lf a pan youo pr art-reetoima tpe le wo fj ob tihno ad oharut ye dt hou woiow mang oould lr hny riake teve dao hsoonnaae tvbe ie ohl ejpohte nibos yns texou aompare your options and se asr inf groceriesMy last letter goesAll my lowercase letters Method of payment:10/17/24 11:15 AMrmahati t fits ysoe tur ahe sabilitimes ae pnrocess ted m hat youor incsoemd ae nboeve tdso c.$675 below the line. are short. The lemur is ready to leap onto each capital L.Publishers, Department:6269.indb 25Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 6269Financial Literacy and Life Skills for Kids10/17/24 11:15 AM 25 6269.indb 28 10/17/24 11:15 AM 6269.indb 30 30 Financial Literacy and Life Skills for KidsEMC 6269 Evan-Mor Corporation 10/17/24 11:15 AM$575 $300 mortgageDraw a line from the lemur to each letter it will jump on.MercuryBonus ! I have the only name credit cardlEMC 6269 L L lOrder Processing 0 2347206267 73 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12 978164514424239 the Bank management Worksheets with a dotted letter andLISBN: 978-1-64514-422-9 Going towastel l l L lISBN: 978-1-64514-424-3 EMC 6269 $30 See offer inside a crossed letter.lOne of my letters appears as a capital and in lowercase.9 Igniting Young Minds10 Harris Court, Suite C-3 6267-69CVRs-Final-Revised.indd 7-9 10/30/24 11:17 AM l l L26 Handwr l L85porationEMC 3138Handwriting FUN: Cursive4/18/24 12:26 PM iting FUN: CursiveEMC 3138 Evan-Moor Corporation Evan-Moor CorMonterey, CA 93940 Financial Literacy&Handwriting FUN!Writing FUN Sentences 3138-07.indd 85Life SkillsforKids CursiveandPargraphsUse your schoolsImportant:Please note thatDevelop kids moneyBuild cursive skills withTurn ideas into amazing sentences federal funding toitems and prices in this catalogThis catalog is clickable! and math skills! engaging, hands-on practice.and paragraphs!purchase Evan-Moorare subject to change. Check ourClick on the book covers to view classroom resources! website for the most currentRead more on page 22 Read more on page 11 Read more on page 15information and pricing. the full description on website.2 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x123'