b'Writing WritingWriting Fabulous Sentences Writing FUN Sentences& Paragraphs, Grades 13Grades 13Giveand Paragraphs A Sentence Needs End Marks! students engagingTeachers Resource Book Turn ideas into amazing sentences and paragraphs! Read the sentence. Cut out the end mark and glue it to finish each sentence.spelling and wordPrint E-book$19.99$19.99Grades 13 Beginning writers learn writing basics with . Zebras have stripesgluepractice usingFUN activities that help them write strong sentences and words from acrossGrade EMC Grade EMC paragraphs. Sentence practice includes starting a2. Why do bears have thick furgluethe curriculum with13 3135 1 3 3135iinteresting real- 112 reproducible pages. sentence with a capital letter, using end punctuation,3. Wow, that is a huge walrusglueworld themes.subject and predicate, and more. Paragraph practice includes topicActivity Book4. How do bats see in the darkglueWriting Fabulous Sentences sentences, supporting details, closingU.S. $9.995. Parrots are very smartglue& Paragraphs, Grades 46 sentences, writing prompts, and more. GRADE EMCGrades 46ScaffoldedTeachers Resource Book 96 full-color pages.13 3136 . . ! ! ? ? 9activities help studentsPrint E-bookEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 3136Writing FUN Sentences and Paragraphs progress from writing$19.99$19.99 sentences toGrade EMC Grade EMCparagraphs. 46 575 46 575i112 reproducible pages. Smart Start: Read & WriteAWARDBuild early reading and writing skills WinningWriting a Super SentenceGrades 13GuidesTeachers Resource Book with fun activities!students through thePrint E-book Grades PreK1Age-appropriate reading ListenforIt! Skills: Discriminate ending sound of b; Write upper- and lowercase letters; Read simple sentencesprocess of describingand writing activities help children practice Activity Bookwho, what, where, and$15.99$19.99the essential steps to becoming strong U.S. $10.99cubCircle the pictures that end like cub.when. Includes writingGrade EMC Grade EMC readers and writers. GRADE EMCforms and activities. 13 205 1 3 205i64 reproducible pages.Stories with an audio read-aloud option PreK 2427 Colorful activities to apply listening, K 2428 Picturescab, web, house, tubParagraph Writing How to Write a Story, Grades 46 writing, and speaking skills Trace and write the letters.Grades 24GiveTeachers Resource Book Grades 46Writing templatesTeachers Resource BookReview activities to show understanding1 2429students spelling andPrint E-book and a trait-based writing guidePrint E-book Includes reward stickers, answer key, and audio stories. word practice using$15.99$15.99help you successfully lead$17.99$17.99Read the sentence. Circle the word cub.words from across students through the writing128 full-color pages.I see the cub.the curriculum with Grade EMC Grade EMC process. Grade EMC Grade EMC 9 Includesinteresting real-world24 246 24 246i 46 794 46 794iEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 2428Smart Start: Read and Write Audio2428.indb 9 9/4/24 4:17 PMthemes.80 reproducible pages. 96 reproducible pages. SupportGiant Write Every Day Writing Poetry with Children Daily Writing Prompts Grades 16Give studentsSkill Sharpeners: Spell & Write Grades 26Teachers Resource Book engaging spelling and wordTeachers Resource Book Boost spelling and writing skills with colorful activities! A comprehensivePrint E-book practice using words fromPrint E-book Grades PreK6Colorful spelling and writing activities are trait-based guide that$24.99$24.99across the curriculum with$17.99$17.99perfect for the classroom, homeschooling, and enrichmentSkills:interesting real-world themes.Whats Missing? S w S p p it e e h l l m i i n n eg n lWo are y rds includes story startersGrade EMC Grade EMC at home. The 12 theme-based units in this workbook feature LogGrade EMC Grade EMC Finish the spelling words in each sentence. The cabu g Voand writing forms.16 734 16 734i a story or article with fun illustrations, a spelling list, spellingshehegotseebeeUs lu in e g s Context queenhivestingflybuzz C Word Meaning26 775 26 775i176 reproducible pages. 96 reproducible pages. activities, grammar and punctuation exercises, writing skills 1. Did you s_____________ something f___________ by?practice, and a Test Your Skills page. 2. S____________ heard something b____________. 3. H___________ has a h___________ at the bee farm.How to Write a Story, Grades 13 Creative Writing Ideas 144 full-color pages. 4. The q ____________b___________ lives in there. 5. We g____________ some honey from the farm.Grades 13Story- Teachers Resource Book Grades 24Activities includeTeachers Resource Book See page 32for order information. 6. A fly wont s___________ you. planning forms, aPrint E-book draw and write, riddles,Print E-booktrait-based writing$17.99$17.99sequence and write, letter$17.99$17.99Finish the spelling words to complete the crossword puzzles. writing, and more! 20-Packs q b h e s gguide, and activities areGrade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Availablepresented at three13 799 1 3 799i 24 206 24 206iUNIT 215different difficulty levels. 96 reproducible pages. 96 reproducible pages.Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 4538Spell & Write 9/12/23 4:39 PM4538.indb 1514 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1215'