b'Writing WritingDaily 6-Trait Writing Weekly Real-World WritingFocused daily practice of essential trait-based writing skills! Help children learn to communicate through Critique CarefullyProduct Reviewreal-world writing! Liling lost her earbuds and needed to buy new ones. She went online to search for A New Pair of Earbudsa new pair. She saw some that were expensive. She didnt have a lot of money, though, so she bought the cheapest ones she could f ind. When she got them, she tried them out. Then she wrote a review for other people who are thinking about Grades 1825 weeks10- to 15-minute activitiesbuying the same earbuds.Grades 16Help students explore real-world125 scaffolded lessons break down each trait into targeted writing purposes for writing with activities that demonstrateYou get what you pay forI bought these earbuds because I lost my f irst pair. I didnt have much money skill practice. Liling C. , just like they say, you get what thoughtful and effective writing strategies. to spend, and these were prety cheap. Welyou pay for. It turns out the sound is prety cheap, too. I probably shouldLessons cover the essential traits of strong writing: ideas, organization,have saved up and spent a litle more. I listen to a lot of music, and I want it to sound good. When I f irst put them in my ears, they were just okay. When I turned up the volume, they crackled. It madeIts too bad because they f it my ears realy wel, and they charge quickly. Theyd probably word choice, sentence fluency, voice, and conventions. The 24 writing units withinWeekly Real-World Writing my music sound even worse. work well if you just listen to podcasts or audiobooks. But if focus on six common writing purposes: you want to listen to music, I dont recommend these earbuds. Days 14 writing activities progress in difficulty. Students apply whatself-expression, information, evaluation, inquiry, theyve learned to a writing prompt on Day 5.analysis, and persuasion. 160 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards. Real-world topics are designed to fit seamlessly Weekly Real-World WritingEMC 6078 Evan-Moor Corp.into any writing program and include:60Teachers Edition Student BookLettersAdvertisementsPrint E-book 5-Pack IndividualJournal entriesDirections Teachers Resource Book$29.99$29.99$34.99$8.99 Product opinionsInterviewsPrint E-bookGrade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC $22.99 $22.991 6021 1 6021i 1 6601 1 6791 Provides two rubrics for formal and informal writing. 2 6022 2 6022i 2 6602 2 6792 128 reproducible pages.Grade EMC Grade EMC3 6023 3 6023i 3 6603 3 6793 12 6077 12 6077i4 6024 4 6024i 4 6604 4 6794 34 6078 34 6078i5 6025 5 6025i 5 6605 5 6795 56 6079 56 6079i6 6026 6 6026i 6 6606 6 67967 6027 7 6027i 77 8 6028 8 6028i 88 Real-World Writing forTodays Kids Workbook Activity BookText-Based Writing Connect writing to the real world! PrintImprove students writing and reading skills!Ages 611Improve childrens writing and teach them$11.99 Grades 26Text-based writing boosts students reading comprehension andvaluable life skills at home using creative real-life writingAges EMCwriting skills through close examination of texts. The writing activities in this bookactivities. Writing units include colorful illustrations and67 6131help students process information, think critically, and use content vocabulary toprovide fun and simple writing exercises to show children89 6132write about what they have learned.how diverse and innovative writing in todays world can be. 1011 6133 Leveled texts Real-world writing activities include:Lessons include nonfiction articles, comprehension questions, content Bumper sticker Movie review Different Ways tovocabulary, graphic organizers, and writing prompts. messaging and artHow to write an email Organize DirectionsDifferent kinds of pets need different care. Choose two animals that youWriting formats include sequence, explanatory, opinion, cause-and-effect, Persuasive fundraising Pet-care directions, have or would like to have as a pet. Fill in the circles next to them. Then read the pet-care directions below. Fill in the stars next to the pet-care directions that you would need for the pets you chose. compare-and-contrast, and argument. letterand more What Happened TodayScoop out the litter Walk 3 times a day to thebox once a day.144 reproducible pages. Each writing theme also includes engaging art andpark and back. t isWash in the tub ifWrite about everything you did today, or choose one thing to write about Brush the pet when i the pet gets muddythat happened today. You can write about what you felt and the thoughts sleeping. in the yard. you had. You can write about what you saw, heard, touched, smelled, or Teachers Edition hands-on activities that demonstrate how writing isPut one pill in the food eachKeep the cover ontasted. Draw a picture in the circle to help show what you are writing about.morning. the tank so the pet Let the pet play with thecant get loose.Print E-book used to solve problems, express ideas, inspire, andtoys in the basket."Excellent teaching tool! My students are alreadyhelp people! On Monday, Feed a cup of food in theclean out the it morning and a cup at night. tank. Then fill$23.99$23.99 Sprinkle in some flake food with water.Grade EMC Grade EMC experiencing improved writing performances128 full-color pages. every morning.Make sure the Put one bag of crickets in the heat lamp over tank on Saturday. the large rock Put a can of fish on the plate is always on.2 2452 2 2452i with the use of this text. next to the bowl of water.813 2453 3 2453iEvan-Moor Corp.EMC 6132Real-World Writing for Todays Kids Second Grade Teacher 9/7/21 4:22 PM4 2454 4 2454i 6132rew.indb 815 2455 5 2455i126 2456 6 2456i 6132rew.indb 12 Real-World Writing for Todays KidsEMC 6132 Evan-Moor Corp.9/7/21 4:21 PM12 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1213'