b'SELandCulturally Responsive Lessons Life SkillsandSocial SkillsSocial and Emotional Learning Activities Heart and Mind ActivitiesAWARDSupport students growth with SEL-focused activities. for Todays Kids Workbook WinningGrades PreK6The 100+ engaging activities in this amazing resource will helpFoster your childs empathy and confidence with meaningful activities.you weave social and emotional learning activities into the busy school day!Ages 411This colorful workbook includes 100 fun exercises to support childrens Activities include skill practice across the curriculum by incorporating reading,well-being. Real-world scenarios and hands-on reflective projects create positive writing, math, social studies, and cultural diversity into SEL instruction. Each unitexperiences for children and help them learn to manage emotions, reduce anxiety, has a different SEL focus, and the activities provide students with real-worldand navigate social situations.scenarios covering five social and emotional learning domains.128 full-color pages.112 reproducible pages.Words Can Affect PeopleUse Your Words Name: Pinwheel Breathing Words can hurt people. Words can also help people.Feel Better Name:Sometimes a friend will use words to tell you how he or sheRead what Nebiyat said to her friend Eduardo. Then draw a line to matchfeels. It is important to listen to the words your friend says. it to what is likely to happen.Look at the picture. Make a pinwheel with a pattern. Then watch the patternYou can make a friend feel better when he or she feels sad. Trace yes if both friends want to play together. move as you breathe in and out slowly. Nebiyat said, Why would I want to come Trace no if both friends do not want to play together. What You Need to your house? My house is more fun. Teachers Resource Book1. Oh no! Yung-Ai hurt her finger.scissors Eduardo will have hurt feelings.Eduardo will invite Nebiyat to hisActivity Booknopage 77 tack or pin Color the face that shows how she feels.crayons or markers Print E-bookpencil with an eraser house again.Print sadhappy $21.99 $21.992. Circle the picture that wil make Yung-Ai feel better. What You Do 5. Hold the pencil behind theNebiyat asked, Why do you always bring$11.99 yes 1. Draw and color shapes topinwheel, with the eraser20-Packsmake a pattern on both sidestouching the pinwheel at the Grade EMC Grade EMC of the pinwheel on page 77. center. Stick the tack or pinweird, smelly foods for lunch? Ages EMC2. Cut out the outer pinwheel 6.through al four corners andAvailableshape. Then cut along theinto the eraser.dotted lines. Use the pinwheel. Breathe inEduardo will feel like his friendsEduardo might feel like he has45 6127slowly, counting to 4 in your PreKK 6095 PreKK 6095i 3. Find the dot in one of thehead. When you breathe out,like him for who he is.to change what he eats to fit in no corners of the pinwheel.gently blow on the pinwheel. Pul that corner toward theThe pinwheel wil spin while 12 6096 12 6096i center dot. Hold it in placeyou blow on it. Notice howwith his friends. 67 6128with one finger. Dont makethe shape pattern changes as a fold or crease. it spins. Keep doing this and46 Heart and Mind Activities for Todays KidsEMC 6129 Evan-Moor Corp. 89 612934 6097 34 6097i4. Do the same thing with thethink about how you feel. 6129-rew.indb 46 9/3/21 1:45 PMlaugh help other three corners, holding them al in place in the center. Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 6095Social and Emotional Learning Activities3756 6098 56 6098i 1011 6130Heart and Mind Activities for Todays KidsEMC 6129 Evan-Moor Corp.6095.indb 37 3/21/24 2:15 PMporation 7636 Social and Emotional Learning ActivitiesEMC 6095 Evan-Moor Cor 9/3/21 1:45 PM3/21/24 2:15 PM 6129-rew.indb 766095.indb 36Culturally Responsive Lessons & Activities Social Skills Activities for Todays KidsAWARDCelebrate diversity with meaningful, inclusive lessons. WinningGrades 16Build a sense of community and inclusiveness in the classroom withFun social skills activities that help children succeed!culturally responsive teaching units. The creative lessons include inspirationalAges 411Help children have positive interactions and gain confidence with stories, individual and group activities, hypothetical scenarios, games, hands-onthese colorful workbooks that provide practice and preparation for making friends, projects, reflective writing, drawing, art projects, and more. being at school, going places, and being online. The meaningful activities provide guidance and suggestions and give children a safe space to think about how to 144 reproducible pages.handle many situations.Correlated to current standards.Dont Be Afraid of Other Peoples Differences Name Dont Be Afraid of Other Peoples Differences NameChoose Your Project Isla, Amina, and Oliv Appreciat f ing Our Dif r ferences ant128 full-color pages.Nameabout each others dif ia formed a wonder i ul fiendship, even though they may have been hesitWhat We Do ferences at frst. 1. Think about how you cou i ld learn from people who are dif c erent from you or how you could 1. Think about what you l s earn r ed a e bout your pa r rtner. r partners name in th rtn e oth i er ci rtn rcle.2.benefit from getng to know the c m. Then choose a projet to do from the menu below.2. Write your name in one circle blow, and wite you ly you or your pa er lke to do.Write a to show which projet you chose. Last, give this page to your teacher.In each of those circle, wite or draw 3 things that on nd your pa erWould You Say Hi? Making New3. In the Things We Both Do section, write or draw 2 things that you a AsInterview an Ad s ult t his or herShaShare a Recipe r both like to do.k an adult quetions abou fami re a re i cipe of a food that you or you rFriendsviews on peoples diferences.ie ly lkes with someone who has neve Sometimes you might feel too shy to say hi or talk to kids. hi to you.trd that food before.Sometimes other kids might feel too shy to say ThingsThingsSaying hi to new people is one way to make new friends.Does Things We Does Different WaystoMaking New Friends Read. Then answer the items. Both Do Meet New Friends You and your family go to the pool. There are lots of kids. They are playing together. They look happy.Teachers Resource Book You can meet new friends in different places.Make a PlanRecord a Video Color the star if it tells a place where youPrint E-book can meet a new friend. Activity BookMake a plan that helps you meet or get toRecord a video that shows how you are know someone who is diferent from you.diferent from someone in your life. $21.99$21.99 a place you goa park Printwith your family your or playgroundneighborhoodWould you like to say hi to the kids? Grade EMC Grade EMC Color the circle.yesno Evan-Moor CorporationEMC 8265Culturally Responsive Lessons and Activities65 Write one place where you have met a friend. . 20-PacksCircle the things you might say.Hi, what are$11.99 Then draw to show how you met your friend.66Culturally Responsive Lessons and ActivitiesEMC 8265 Evan-Moor Corporation8/17/22 9:22 AM I met a new friend atAvailable1 8261 1 8261i Can I play your names? 8265.indb 66 8/17/22 9:22 AM with you? AGE EMC2 8262 2 8262i Your swim suit is cool. 45 31178265.indb 653 8263 3 8263iEvan-Moor CorporationEMC 3118Social Skills for Todays Kids9 67 31184 8264 4 8264i "Great lessons to support an inclusive 3118.indb 9 5/15/23 8:14 AM 89 31195 8265 5 8265i and responsive classroom environment!" 1011 3120Social Skills for Todays KidsEMC 3118 Evan-Moor Corporation86 8266 6 8266i Fifth Grade Teacher 5/15/23 8:14 AM3118.indb 830 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1231'