b'ScienceScience Lessons & InvestigationsBuild strong science foundations!Grades 16 This robust teaching resource presents science concepts through in-depth investigation and observation, supporting Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Science units build upon prior knowledge and experience and allow students to apply their understanding in a creative way. Each unit guides students through exploring the science concept and includes hands-on activities to extend learning. Each grade level contains 1214 units that include: Teacher support and conceptComprehension activitiesoverview pageWriting activityVocabulary/words to knowHands-on science investigation* Reading selections with real-life What Do Plants Need to Grow?visual examples *Includes experiments, STEM challenges, observations, and art projects! Students make f What Plants Need Art ProjectWhat Do Plants Need to Grow? Materials lowers and show what they need to grow.224 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards.Reading Comprehensionpages 24 and 25blue construction paperNamebrown construction paperComplete the items. markers or crayonspencilwhite paper, cut into wide strips scissorsWhat Do Plants Need to Grow? glue tapeHeres HowPlants have needs. They need light and water to grow. A lot of2 1. Reproduce a r nd d r ist t ribute the templates on pages 24 and 25 to each student.plants grow outside. The light these plants need comes from the3E Distibute const i ucion paper, ma il rkers or crayons, scissors, a t nd glue to students.sun. The water these plants need is rain. Plants grow when they get4.xplan to students that they wl make a picure that shows what a flower needsto grow. Teachers Resource Book enough sunlight and rain.1. What would happen if these plants got sunlight but no water?5. T Have students tear the brown paper and glue it to the bottom of the blue paper.This is the soil. 6.t hen have st t udents color, cut out, and glue the plant parts and sun pictures tohe blue paper. Print E-book 2. Draw a picture that tels 7.g Nex f , have students choose the water pic t r ture theyd l i ike to use a r t nd color, cut it out, andA lue it to the blue paper. Invite students to add detals to the picure if they wish to.about what you wrote. ter students complete the projec, d r istibute a white paper stip and a penci t l to$23.99$17.99each student. Then have students wite a sentence t t hat tels what their picure shows.Tape the sentence to the bottom or top of the picure. Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 4312Science Lessons and Investigations Grade EMC Grade EMC Plants do not grow if they do not get the water they need.Life Science 234312.indb 23 10/14/19 6:49 PM1 4311 1 4311i Sometimes, it does not rain every day. People can help bygiving plants water. They can use a watering can or a hose.16 Life Science Science Lessons and InvestigationsEMC 4312 Evan-Moor Corp.2 4312 2 4312i4312.indb 163 4313 3 4313i 10/14/19 6:49 PM4 4314 4 4314i Science Lessons and InvestigationsEMC 4312 Evan-Moor Corp.14 Life Science5 4315 5 4315i 4312.indb 14 10/14/19 6:49 PM6 4316 6 4316iSkill Sharpeners: ScienceFull-Color Activity BookGrades PreK6This full-color activity book helps to improveHands-on Activity Skill: Follow a sequence of directions to understanding of science concepts that are taught in the classroom complete a Plant-Print Papers nature project.and aligned to standards. Interesting reading selections, engagingWhat You Needactivities, and hands-on projects cover grade-level physical, life, leaves and flowers heavy drawing paper paper towelsting board etand earth science topics. Ideal for enrichment in the classroom,cuthammer or rubber mal smalhomeschooling, and practice at home. Answer key included.newspaper Life Cyclesy tap the layers with the What You Do hammer. (Watch your fingers!)4. Carefulfrom your yard. Not all leavesThe natural colors of the plants 144 full-color pages.1. Colect leaves and flowerswill print on the paper.ferentPeek under the paper towels and flowers will work for this 5. project, so choose dif to see if you want to tap some kinds to tr more. When you are done, See page 33for order information. y. ts.face that a hammerpeel away the plant parwont hurt, such as a cutting 6. Use your beautiful papers to2. Find a sur face with board. Cover the sur make bookmarks or cards.a pad of newspapers. Place a sheet of drawing paper on top of the newspapers.ts ony Arrange some plant par t 20 - Full 3.the drawing paper in a pretdesign. Cover this with three33layers of paper towels. PacksLife Science: CyclesAvailable Color Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 5323Skill SharpenersScience 11/4/14 12:41 PM5323.indb 33www.evan-moor.com www.evan-moor.com \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x1221'