b'Language ArtsDaily Paragraph EditingDaily lessons that practice editing based on a rich source ofinformational text.Grades 2836 weeks10- to 15-minute lessons Students are both editors and writers, applying grade-level language skills to correcta paragraph MondayThursday and complete a related writing exercise on Friday. Includes supplemental resources for students, including a page of proofreading marksthat model the standard marks used to correct and edit text and an editing checklist to guide students in reviewing and revising their own writing or a classmates writing. Also includes an assessment rubric and detailed correlations.176 reproducible pages. Correlated to current standards. Daily Paragraph EditingPreview the 4 daily lessons to ensure you review or introduce skills that may be unfamiliar to students.EDITING KEY: BiographyError Summary 3Walt Disneys Cartoon Magic Capitalization1Language Usage WaltDisneylivedonafarmwhenhewas Punctuation: 2 1ayoungboy.Fromanearlyage,waltlikedto Apostrophe2Comma drawanimals.Hewatchedthefarmanimals Period carefully hemadelifelikedrawingsofthem.WaltsfamilyhadnomoneyforpaperbutWaltwasclever.hedrawedapigonthewallofhisdrewhouse.Waltsparentswerenothappy!ThenWaltsauntgavehimdrawingpaper WEEK 1Teachers Edition Student Book MONDAY Error Summary 5Whenwaltgrewup,hegotajobdrawing Capitalization1Language Usage animulsforanimatedcartoons.creativeideas Punctuation: 1 1animalsPrint E-book 5-Pack Individual filledWaltshead.theothercartoonswere Apostrophe2BIOGRAPHY: Walt Disneys Cartoon Magic Comma silentsoWaltmadeacartoonwithmusicandPeriod1Name Daily Paragraph Editingtalkingcharacters.Thiscartoonwascalled Spelling $25.99 $25.99 $34.99 $8.99 Walt Disneys Cartoon MagicSteamboatWillie.ThestarwasmickeyMouse.Mickeytalkedandsinged, peoplelovedhimWaltDisneylivedonafarmwhenhewassangGrade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC Grade EMC ayoungboy.Fromanearlyage,waltlikedtoapostrophesdrawanimals.Hewatchedthefarmanimalscarefullyhemadelifelikedrawingsofthem.TUESDAY WEEK 1EMC 2726Daily Paragraph Editing, Grade 3 Evan-Moor Corp.2 2725 2 2725i 2 6551 2 6802 WaltsfamilyhadnomoneyforpaperbutWalt12wasclever.hedrawedapigonthewallofhis 8/20/15 11:08 AMhouse.Waltsparentswerenothappy!Then3 2726 3 2726i 3 6552 3 6803 2726_New.indb 12 WaltsauntgavehimdrawingpaperMONDAY WEEK 14 2727 4 2727i 4 6553 4 6804 Whenwaltgrewup,hegotajobdrawinganimulsforanimatedcartoons.creativeideasfilledWaltshead.theothercartoonswereapostrophes5 2728 5 2728i 5 6554 5 6805 silentsoWaltmadeacartoonwithmusicandtalkingcharacters.Thiscartoonwascalled6 2729 6 2729i 6 6555 6 6806 SteamboatWillie.ThestarwasmickeyMouse.Mickeytalkedandsinged,peoplelovedhim7 2837 7 2837i 7 6737 7 6697TUESDAY WEEK 18 2838 8 2838i 8 6738 8 6698Evan-Moor Corp.Daily Paragraph Editing, Grade 3EMC 2726 2726_New.indb 13 138/20/15 11:08 AMSkill Sharpeners: Spell & WriteWashington, D.C. Full-Color Activity BookThere are many places to see in Washington, D.C. This great city is the capital of the United States. We went with a group of people toAn engaging way to learn spelling words!see the White House. That is thehouse where the president lives.The White House was built in 1800!The address is 1600 Pennsylvania Grades PreK6Colorful spelling and writing activities are Avenue. Around town, there are many parks and museums to visit. We saw a tall white tower namedperfect for the classroom, homeschooling, and enrichment at after George Washington. It is called the Washington Monument. We also found a place wherehome. The 12 theme-based units in this workbook feature a story you can see airplanes androckets. It is called theSmithsonian Institute. Thereor article with fun illustrations, a spelling list, spelling activities, are so many things to seein this city. I couldnt see everything. grammar and punctuation exercises, writing skills practice, and a I hope that someday I can visit Washington, D.C., again. Test Your Skills page. Read the spelling words. Check off the words you can find in the story. 144 full-color pages. town found aboutFull 20 - country around house groupbridge tower park See page 33for order information.How many spelling words did you find? ______4539u7.indd 63 2005 by Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 4539Spell & WritePacksColor AvailableUNIT 7633/31/21 1:44 PM16 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com'