b'ContentsClickable table of contents!TeacherFileBox.com4Reading Comprehension 6Reading .7Phonics .9Vocabulary .10Handwriting/Writing . 11Language Arts .14Math 18Science 20STEM/STEAM.22Critical Thinking 23Social Studies 24SEL and Culturally Responsive Lessons 26 Reading Comprehension,Life Skills and Social Skills .27 NonfictionCross-Curricular .28Homeschool Bundles .30 Build strong reading comprehension skills with leveled nonfiction texts and comprehension Early Learning .31 activities. Read more on page 8Art .32Skill Sharpeners .33Additional Books .34 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12B rainAges 89Helping Children LearnAGES Gamesand 5 Ways to Place Your Order 8-9Audio supportActivitiesBrain Games for problem solvingONLINE: www.evan-moor.com StickerStickeractivitiesActivitiesE-MAIL: purchaseorders@evan-moor.com Critical andandcreative thinkingPHONE: 800-777-4362 Activities Logic and reasoningFAX:800-777-4332 Language and word playMAIL: Evan-Moor EducationalPuzzles, mazes, graphs, hidden pictures,tongue twistersPublishers Department:Drawing, imagining, creating Over80Fun Brain Games!FullOrder Processing Color 10 Harris Court, Suite C-3Monterey, CA 93940 Brain GamesandActivitiesUse your schools federalImportant:Please note thatEntertaining and challenging brain games funding to purchaseitems and prices in this catalogand projects provide hours of fun. Evan-Moor classroomare subject to change. Check ourRead more on page 23resources! website for the most current information and pricing.2 \x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12www.evan-moor.com'