b'Teaching DailiesDaily PhonicsTeaching DailiesHelps studentsincluding students learning Englishdevelop the phonics skills necessaryto become proficient, on-grade-level readers.What Is Daily Phonics?Daily Phonics provides daily phonics practice in just 15 to 20 minutes a day. The 32 weekly units help students gain phonemic awareness, decoding, and word study skills to become confident and proficient readers.Features and Benefits:Provides explicit, systematic phonics instruction andThe scaffolded scope and sequence allows teachers practice in just 15 to 20 minutes a day, five daysto tailor their instruction to English language learners a weekand students at, above, or below grade level Weekly teacher pages include step-by-step teachingProvides clear, simple practice activities with paths and suggested scripting for each daily lesson predictable supporting illustrationsEach week focuses on a key phonics skill with daily lessons that progress through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activitiesName__________________________________________________________ WeekDay 1 1Listen for ItFocus The alphabet has 26 letters. Some letters are consonants. Some letters are vowels. The letters a, e, i, o, and u are vowels.Weekly Overview Name each letter. Circle the vowels.a b c d e f gh i j k l m nName __________________________________________________________ Each week introduces students to a related group Day 2 Week Listen for It Day 3 We1eko p q r s t uof words using a consistent five-day format. Focus Each consonant has its own special sound.v w x y zSay the letter-sound.Draw a line to the picture that begins with that letter-sound.There are five vowels in the alphabet. WEEK Alphabet Review Write the vowels on the lines. k pDaily Phonics 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grades 16208 pages DA1Y Discriminating Consonants and Vowels t o students and have th he noeixntt t task . Read the directions to students and have them write the vowe Dictation l qRead aloud to ehe faoch lcus setttear atems tehnet ay nt tahme te iot ap olf touhde p . Aaftgeer s . Ttuhden rentes cad tirchle te dhie vrecotiwoenls tsls, d .irect their attentiono etm pTeachers Edition Dictation age and say:Write your name. Circle the vowels.Write your namDe oiren tct she ltuidnee. Tntsh aen ctteirnctle tion the vo tohwe bels ion yttoom our nf tamhe pe. U.S. $29.99 DA2Y L nitial Consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j Skill: Identifying letters 5Risin eatd aenilonug fd tohr Ie forc-usos suntadt .e Smaeyn: t aTht tis ihs te the lop oettf ter hbe p. Thae lgee .t Ttehr ebn p staonidns ft too er tahics soh letuntedr i: /n tb/h. Se aay c/tbiv/ . (/b/) Rity as yoeu peat Day 4 Week Name__________________________________________________________thte pEvan-Moor Corp.EMC 2788Daily Phonics rodrouccees s fitso lr tetthee remaining letters . Then direct students attention to the picture of the goat . Say: Point t to t m rGrade 1 EMC 2787ISBN 978-1-60963-441-4 Picture Key: goat, foot, jeep, cat, boat, dog, hat Listen for Ithe hlee gtteor agt S Daray wg ao alitn . e( gfrooamt)tWheh laett ites tr gh e fito trhst soe picutnud ire n of gthoea tg? (oa/tg/) . ReWpehaatt l thetet epr strocaensdss f foorr t thhea t soremuanidn? in(gg )p Pioctinutr etos .8/18/11 12:04 PMDay 5 WeekDictationR Direct studh wentosr ad ats I rtenteioad tn tho te shee bnteontcteo: m oI caf tn ghe po. Nagow re aenad sd tahye s: entence with me: I can go. 2788.indb 5Grade 2 EMC 2788ISBN 978-1-60963-442-1 Louon yk aot eur fiacnh wger uord andenr ed caicrcle the vowels. Focus The letters a, e, i, o, and u are vowels. Each vowel has1a short and a long sound. The long sound says its name.DA3Yi Listening f tohr Ie fonciutsi asl Ctateomnseonnt aatn tths: ke to, lp o, mf th, ne p, pag, qe . T, rhe, sn point to each letter in the activity as youepeatn sGrade 3 EMC 2789ISBN 978-1-60963-443-8 Rnetarod daulcoeu dis ftso lr tetthee rr-soeumnadi .n Sinag ly: etThties irss t . Thhe len detteir rke. Tct shte ludeettnetr sk a sttatenndts fioon tr to this sohe punicdt: u/rke o/ .f t Sahye l /kea/f . .(S/k/) Ray: Point the procesto t ay leaf . (leaf) What is the first sound in leaf ? (/l/) What letter stands for thhe rat soemuanidn? in(g pl) Picotinut treo ts . he lettehre l l. Deafr. Saw a line from the letter l to the picture of the leaf. Repeat the process for t short a short e short i short o short uGrades 4-6+ EMC 2790ISBN 978-1-60963-444-5 Picture Key: leaf, rake, kite, pie, nest, sun, moon, queenf DictationDirecet sr etaucdh wentosr ad ats I rtenteiaon td tho te shee bnteontcte bom oegif tnnhine pg: aRgue an fnad sst. Nayo:w reeaad td ahe wlouod trds wiheir sth mentee: nRcuens . DictationRun yt. Nouer fixt, wngreitr ue ynodur name on the line to finish the sentence. Invite volunteers to rTahsen say: Now look at the words and circle the vowels. Circle the vowels.DA4YR long a long e long i long o long uStudent Book 5-Pack Listening for Initial Consonants: t, v, w, x, y, z he activ. i(t/yt /a) sR yeopuea Runfast, (name) .inetarodd auloceu dit st hleet tfeorc-usos usntadt .e Smaeyn: tT ahtis t ihse t htoe ple ottfe rth te.Tphaeg lee .t tTehr et nst apnodins tf otortehaisc hso luentdte: r/ itn/ .t Sf atyh /e tw/agon . Say: Point tture name. Circle the picU.S. $34.99 the process for the remaining letters . Then direct students attention to the picture otancedsssffoorrtthhaetrsoemunadi?n (iwng) Say the picEvan-Moor Corp.EMC 2788Daily PhonicsSkill: Discriminating initial consonants 7to the wagon. Say wagon . (wagon) What is the first sound in wagon? (/w/ ) Wepheaatt l ethttee rp sr ohave students writeture if you hear the long vowel sound.Point tos t .h Teh leetnte rd wir.e Dctr aswtu ad elinntes f raotmte nthteio lnet tteortwh eto s tehceo pnidct utares ko .fRtheea wd atghoen d . iRrections andAligns with the Teachers Edition pthicet ulerteters .1 aPicture Key: wagon, yo-yo, violin, ten, zipper, X-ray2788.indb 7 8/18/11 12:04 PMDictationDirne e or eacn entosr ad ats I rtenteioan td tho te shee bnteontcteo: m oI caf tn ghe po faagste a. Nnow rd saeayd t:Grade 1 EMC 6781ISBN 978-1-60963-487-2 Rausn yt. Loouor fik ant eger uach wdct studh wd circle the vowels.f he sentence with me: I can go rd aGrade 2 EMC 6782ISBN 978-1-60963-488-9 DA5Y Listening for Short and Long Vowetolps of the page . Point to the first example and say: The letter a is a2 eRead aloud the focus statement at the vowel. It has a short sound and a long sound. You hear the shoay dpe.i rSeacyt iaopnes a. (anpd ce) all stu ng of a/) Rnt. eSpaye aat tnth. e (ant) Say /a/ . (/a rt a sound at the beSgiayn n/ai/dents attention to thetyh:e L reetms list r the leoxhae mlong a sound . Point to the fi. (/afi /) You haeainein fngo r t ng a psolesu .n Td ahet tn rhe bead tegihne anincg otivf irtst picture. Say cake. (cake) Do you hear /a/ in Grade 3 EMC 6783ISBN 978-1-60963-489-6 prrost ? ssw f .o SraCircle the picture. Point to the next picture. It shows a rat. Do you hear /a/ in rat? (no) Do not circle cero (yes) cake 3 iit. Repeat the process for the remaining pictures and rows . Picture Key:ap, tape; Row 2: dress, hen, tree, sheep; Row 3: dig, kite, pie, six; Row 4: bone, box, goat, mop; Row 5: fluRtowe, b 1u: cg, takube, r, galtu, me4 Daily PhonicsEMC 2788 Evan-Moor Corp.4 o2788.indb 4 8/18/11 12:04 PM5 u Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 2788Daily Phonics Skill: Listening for short and long vowels 92788.indb 98/18/11 12:04 PM4Correlated to Current Standards\x1f\x1e\x1d\x1c\x1b\x1a\x19\x18\x17\x1b\x16\x15\x14\x1d\x13\x16\x19\x12\x11\x10\x0f\x12'