b'Daily Higher-Order ThinkingPractice DailiesProvides teachers with daily activities that buildand grow students problem-solving skills.What Is Daily Higher-Order Thinking?Daily Higher-Order Thinking provides you with daily practice lessons that help students apply critical thinking skills across subject areas. The lessons develop students higher-order thinking skills and allow them to integrate their learning and make deeper connections between their learning and the real world. Features and Benefits:30 weeks of 20-minute daily practice lessons focus onActivities require students to integrate information a specific behavioral verb each day through application, analysis, evaluation, and creation Each full-page activity gives students an opportunity toof learned skills to learn how to solve problemspractice a higher-order thinking skill in the context of aActivities are developed into engaging formats such as different curriculum area logic and visual puzzles, brainteasers, creative writing, Questions and tasks are open-ended and can be usedpicture comparison, word play, and what if questionsto promote peer-to-peer discussions as students shareAn answer key provides sample responses for each and discuss answers, while also fostering criticaldays activitiesthinking skillsWeekly OverviewEach full-page activity gives students an opportunity to practice higher-order thinking skills within a specific subject area. Subjects rotate between language arts, math, science, and social studies.WEEK 11Making Words DAY1assemble: to put parts togetherWEEK 24 Daily Higher-Order Thinkingun to make, or assemble, a new word by putting two words together. Creepy Crawlies DAY3It can be f l word, and one is a new, made-up word:Look at these examples. One is a rea classify: to put things into groups that have something in commontea + cup = teacupdog + rise = dogrise Read about caterpillars and worms. Look closely at the pictures.Grades 16176 pagesboard bush cup foot house wormbal bath r bird skate sun time wind caterpillarnap ise room rose Turbo the Tortoise WEEK 11 Teachers Editiondeduce: to use facts togure something out DAY2 U.S. $22.99s in the word box to assemble two real and two new, made-up words. Use the word rite what you think each word means.Then draw or w SToumrbe to tohre ttoioserts loiise ive ts to bhe ce mlaosrse troohm pan 1e0t i0 yn Mearrs os. Sldt! eins class. l Words New, Made-up Words They dont look like it, but caterpilarsWorms hatch from eggs. They spend Rea He is more than 50 years old but less than 80 years old.are baby butterflies or moths. Theymost of their time oozing across orGrade 1 EMC 3271 ISBN 978-1-62938-454-2 3.hatch from eggs. They spend theirunder the ground. They eat dirt andt hes or stems,dead plant parts. They grow from shor 1.Read two students statements about Turbos age. lives walking on branc worms to long worms, and they lookGrade 2 EMC 3272 ISBN 978-1-62938-455-9eating leaves. Then they spin silkthe same their entire lives.threads into a cocoon. After a long Orlando said, I will say Turbos age if I skip-count by 8. nap, they come out of the cocoon Grade 3 EMC 3273 ISBN 978-1-62938-456-6with wings.Classify each animal as a caterpillar or a worm.Aziz said, I will say Turbos age if I skip-count by 6. Pictures to Poem WEEK 17 Grade 4 EMC 3274 ISBN 978-1-62938-457-3WEEK 22.4.Unlocking the Map vation and what you know DAY41.compose:to write creatively DAY5 2.infer: to figure out using obser Grade 5 EMC 3275 ISBN 978-1-62938-458-0n inish the map keys. Look at the key symbols3 .4. M Look at the pic tu tures. Use some or all of them to compose a song or poem. Usrse b. Soteth sin stuadid tenhtsa st btaotteh cmleanssts tmo atdees adurce ce Tourrrebcots a.ge.Joy made these maps but forgot to f s. Write it on the map key. Circle the pic res you use. Grade 6 EMC 3276 ISBN 978-1-62938-459-7on the map and ifer what each represent 1.Work Space Washington Map Key Seattle p. Spokane5.6. Daily Higher-Order ThinkingEMC 3273 Evan-Moor Cor60 Language Arts Olympia9/12/17 3:03 PM3273.indb 60 p.EMC 3273Daily Higher-Order ThinkingScience 127 Evan-Moor Cor 2.Pleasant Park Map Key 3273.indb 127 9/12/17 3:03 PMTurbo is years old. Evan-Moor Corp.EMC 3273Daily Higher-Order ThinkingMath 613273.indb 61 9/12/17 3:03 PM 3.Northlawn Safe Street Map KeyFIRE STATION U.S. POSTMain Street OFFICEGreen StreetSCHOOLONKEN PARKDaily Higher-Order ThinkingEMC 3273 Evan-Moor Corp. 94 Social Studies/Language Arts Daily Higher-Order ThinkingEMC 3273 Evan-Moor Corp.18 Social Studies9/12/17 3:02 PM 3273.indb 943273.indb 18 9/12/17 3:03 PMwww.evan-moor.com 17'