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Purchase Orders

Online Purchase Orders:

To submit an online purchase order please follow these steps:

  1. Fill your shopping cart and follow the step-by-step directions at checkout. Once you reach Payment Method, select School Purchase Order.
  2. The step-by-step directions at checkout will guide you through the process of filling out the required information and submitting your order.
  3. Your order will be processed and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided.

Print Purchase Orders:

To create a printable purchase order to fax to Evan-Moor, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill your shopping cart and follow the step-by-step directions at checkout. Once you reach Payment Method, select Purchase Requisition.
  2. The step-by-step directions at checkout will guide you through the process of filling out the required information.
  3. After submitting your order, click the Print My Order button to print a copy of your purchase order.
  4. Fax your printed order (please include a fax cover sheet) and an authorized school purchase order to Evan-Moor at one of the following numbers:
    Within North America: 1-800-777-4332
    Outside North America: 001-831-649-6256
  5. Your order will be processed and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided.

Your order will not be shipped until Evan-Moor receives a fax cover sheet, your printed order, and an authorized school purchase order. Your purchase order information will be kept in our records for 30 days. If you have not submitted the appropriate documentation in that time, your order will be deleted from our system.

After faxing a signed purchase order, you may purchase online with a school purchase order at any time.

For additional information, please contact our Customer Service Department

  • If you prefer, you may fax your purchase order to: 1-800-777-4332 or 1-831-649-6256
  • Purchase orders may also be emailed to: