Reading Comprehension: Paired Text grade 2 is an easy-to-use resource that includes 8 paired text units with everything you need to practice reading comprehension skills with your second-grade students.
These grade 2 paired text units provide students with opportunities to compare multiple viewpoints and to integrate information. Each unit contains two thematically related selections that are focused around an essential question.
Each selection includes:
- vocabulary development in context
- an oral close reading discussion
- comprehension questions
- a writing prompt
The unit assessment includes discussion of the topic, texts, and essential question, and a pre-writing graphic organizer and culminating writing prompt.
Additional features:
- student objectives
- topic introductions
- lesson plans
- an answer key
Grade 2 paired text science units include:
Parts of a Plant:
“Apple Tree Swing” Level I
“Parts of a Plant” Level I
Simple Machines Help Us:
“Jack’s Wheels” Level H
“Six Simple Machines” Level J
Understanding Magnets:
“What Will a Magnet Attract?” Level L
“Magnificent Magnets” Level K
Grade 2 paired text social studies units include:
We Help Each Other:
“Stone Soup” Level H
“Mexican Wedding Cakes” Level L
National Memorials:
“Mount Rushmore” Level J
“Colossal Crazy Horse” Level L
People Can Change the World:
“Chavez and the Grape Boycott” Level M
“King and the Bus Boycott” Level M
The First Railroad:
“Railroad Songs” Level K
“Tracks Across America” Level M
Community Art:
“Farm Art” Level M
“Wall of Welcome” Level M
Revised edition! This resource replaces Reading Paired Text and includes updates to the content.