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Help your students develop essential writing techniques with the creative and structured lessons in Writing Fabulous Sentences & Paragraphs! Resources include: Writing forms, a trait-based writing guide, and more. Read more below
EMC: 575
$19.99 (USD)

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Grades 4-6 Grades 1-3

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Teacher Reproducibles, Print

EMC Number: 575

Page Count: 112

EAN: 9781557996015

Guide your students through the process of writing with scaffolded practice that's as engaging as it is educational!

The creative and structured lessons in Writing Fabulous Sentences & Paragraphs introduce students to essential writing techniques without losing the imaginative spirit that makes writing fun. From main ideas and topic sentences, to figurative language and descriptive details, this book is filled with activities that help your students develop strong writing skills.

Scaffolded lessons come in four sections:

  • Sentences:
    Students practice combining sentences, constructing "super sentences," and using figurative language.
  • Paragraphs:
    Students practice recognizing the main ideas, topic sentences, supporting details, and unnecessary information within paragraphs.
  • Paragraph Forms:
    Students use scaffolded forms to organize information into narrative, persuasive, descriptive, compare/contrast, definition, and "how-to" paragraphs.
  • Organizing Information into Paragraphs:
    Students practice organizing sentences within paragraphs and paragraphs within reports while using webs, notetakers, and outlines.

Give your students the practice they need to become strong writers! Use Writing Fabulous Sentences and Paragraphs with your class today!