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Reading Comprehension Fundamentals provides tools to target the reading skills and strategies with which students need the most help. The 35 skill-based units include fiction and nonfiction texts and incorporate a variety of reading comprehension activities. Read more below
EMC: 2423
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Teacher's Edition, Print

EMC Number: 2423

Page Count: 176

EAN: 9781629384627

Reading Comprehension Fundamentals provides you tools to target the reading skills and strategies with which students need the most help. The 35 skill-based units include fiction and nonfiction texts, a variety of practice activities, and a unit review.
The comprehensive units guide students to develop a deep understanding of each skill, strategy, and genre introduced with a simple “teach, practice, and assess” approach. Ample reading experiences and varied response formats help to improve students’ overall comprehension and test-taking skills.

Third Grade Comprehension Activities for Nonfiction Texts Third Grade Comprehension Activities for Fiction Texts
  ·         Character
·         Main Idea and Details ·         Setting
·         Text Features and Visual Information ·         Plot
·         Description ·         Theme
·         Cause and Effect ·         Point of View
·         Compare and Contrast ·         Predict 
·         Sequence ·         Vocabulary
·         Problem and Solution ·         Visual Information
·         Predict ·         Summarize
·         Vocabulary ·         Make Inferences
·         Summarize ·         Cause and Effect
·         Fact and Opinion ·         Compare and Contrast
·         Make Inferences ·         Dialogue
  ·         Simile and Metaphor

Nonfiction genre studies include expository nonfiction, persuasive nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, and descriptive nonfiction. Fiction genre studies include historical fiction, realistic fiction, fables, and fairy tales.
Use Reading Comprehension Fundamentals as a core standards-aligned reading resource or select the units that align with your curriculum and with your students’ needs.
Better together! Reading Comprehension Fundamentals complements the skill practice presented in Daily Reading Comprehension.



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Name Description
Series Reading Comprehension Fundamentals
Grade Grade 3
Format Book

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