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Your Grade 3 Homeschool Reading Bundle provides reading comprehension resources to help teach your child essential reading skills and strategies. This bundle includes three core reading resources, including fiction and nonfiction reading selections, vocabulary activities, and supporting comprehension activities. Read more below
EMC: 1103
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$56.22 (USD)

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Homeschool Reading Bundle

EMC Number: 1103

EAN: 9781645141037

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Your Grade 3 Homeschool Reading Bundle provides reading comprehension resources to help teach your child essential reading skills and strategies. This bundle includes four core reading resources, including fiction and nonfiction reading selections, vocabulary activities, and supporting comprehension activities.

The third grade homeschool reading bundle includes:

Daily Reading Comprehension, Teacher’s Edition and Student Book

  • Use Daily Reading Comprehension to introduce your child to various reading comprehension strategies and skills in weekly units.
  • The teacher’s edition includes a suggested plan for daily lessons to introduce the skills in each of the 30 weekly units.

Reading Comprehension Fundamentals,Teacher’s Edition

  • Use Reading Comprehension Fundamentals to target difficult reading strategies such as main idea and details, compare and contrast, cause and effect, fact and opinion and more.
  • The teacher’s edition includes fiction and nonfiction reading comprehension strategies, practice pages and unit review.
  • Use Reading Comprehension Fundamentals as a complete reading curriculum.

Skill Sharpeners: Reading, Full-Color Activity Book

  • Use Skill Sharpeners: Reading to give your child extra reading practice in a fun, theme-based format.
  • 14 units focus on vocabulary, phonological awareness, phonics, word analysis, and standard English conventions.

 View the Pacing Guide for Reading for suggested pacing and ideas for using these resources.

Additional Resources
Name Description
Series Homeschool Reading Bundle
Grade Grade 3
Format Kit

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