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Develop students’ problem-solving skills with Daily Word Problems. The multi-step word problems are written to support current math standards and expectations and provide consistent spiral review of math concepts and problem solving. Read more below
EMC: 3095
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Teacher's Edition, Print

EMC Number: 3095

Page Count: 128

EAN: 9781629388595

Daily Word Problems is the perfect resource to improve students’ problem-solving skills as they participate in meaningful, real-life math practice. The word problems are written to support current math standards and expectations and provide consistent spiral review of math concepts.
The 36 weeks of activities provide practice of grade-level math concepts such as addition, multiplication, fractions, logic, algebra, and more.
Each week focuses on a theme and provides a daily word problem within the context of a real-life situation. 

  • Monday–Thursday’s activities provide a one- or two-step word problem.
  • Friday’s format is more extensive and requires multiple steps. The multi-step problems require students to incorporate higher-order thinking skills by applying their understanding within a different context.
  • Reproducible pages provide plenty of room for students to solve using the strategy of their choice.
  • Day-by-day skills lists identify the skills practiced in each unit.

Grade 5 math skill practice includes:

  • addition and subtraction
  • multiplication
  • division
  • estimation
  • factors and multiples
  • rounding and estimating
  • time
  • money
  • decimals (multiplication and division)
  • comparing fractions
  • fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
  • logical thinking
  • patterns
  • perimeter and area
  • liquid volume, mass, measurement
  • weight and capacity
  • volume
  • graphs, charts, and maps
  • coordinate planes
  • geometry

Includes scope and sequence chart and an answer key.


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Name Description
Series Daily Word Problems
Grade Grade 5
Format Book

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