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Daily instruction helps students learn and practice the comprehension and language skills that will help them become proficient readers! Read more below
EMC: 3611
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Teacher's Edition, Print

EMC Number: 3611

Page Count: 208

EAN: 9781629384740

Daily Reading Comprehension helps first grade students become strong readers by combining comprehension instruction and practice with language development. This series supports Science of Reading pillars!

30 weeks of direct instruction practice the following reading skills:

  • Main Idea and Details
  • Who, What, Where, and When
  • Sequence
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Fantasy vs. Reality
  • Make Predictions
  • Author's Purpose

Daily lessons also practice these foundational reading skills:

  • phonics
  • sight words
  • and vocabulary 

Reproducible visual aid pages support metacognition strategies and provide visual tools to help grade 1 students apply reading skills.

150 original fiction and nonfiction passages with comprehension items help you engage students in reading, thinking about, and responding to a variety of texts with easy-to-use worksheets. Reproducible pages, included in the teacher’s edition, provide visual tools for students to help them apply reading skills to the passages they read. And because activities are presented in a multiple-choice format, these activities will prepare first grade students for reading assessments they will encounter in later grades.

Student workbooks are also available for this series.