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Engage your grade 4 students in thinking skills practice with Critical and Creative Thinking Activities! 140+ pages of fun, imaginative activities motivate students as they practice thinking in multiple ways about a variety of curriculum and theme-based topics. Read more below
EMC: 3394
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Teacher Reproducibles, Print
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EMC Number: 3394

Page Count: 160

EAN: 9781596734005

"We must empower students to become creative thinkers, critical thinkers, and problem solvers—people who are continually learning and who can apply their new knowledge to complex, novel, open-ended challenges." - Educational Leadership, Summer 2008, Volume 65

Engage your grade 4 students in thinking skills practice with Critical and Creative Thinking Activities! 140+ pages of fun, imaginative activities motivate students as they practice thinking in multiple ways about a variety of curriculum and theme-based topics.

46 theme-based units make it easy to find activities that fit your core curriculum:

  • Places:
    My Room, My School, The Supermarket, At the Dinner Table, Eating Out, In the Car, On a Walk, At the Library, At the Beach, On a Field Trip
  • Nature in Action:
    6-Legged Crawlies, Big Birds, Wild Cats, Sssnakes, Dolphins and Whales, Trees, Mountains, Caught in a Storm
  • People:
    Fictional Characters, Friends, Family Trees, Who's In Charge?
  • Fantasy:
    Superheroes, Elves and Fairies, Dragons, Kings and Queens, Magic, Mythical Creatures
  • Things I Use:
    My Bike, My Pencil, My Hands, The Dictionary, Locks and Keys, Manners, Hats & Caps
  • In My World:
    Presents, Chores, Our Earth, Garbage, Colorific!, Cats & Dogs, Lost and Found, Up, Up, and Away, Help!, Sticky Stuff, Rules

This resource contains teacher support pages, reproducible student pages, and an answer key.